Saturday 31 August 2024

Palak Palak mein…!

 Galti se idhaaaar Palak jhapka and thereeeeee he was!!!!!!

Watching almost mute pe this nba docu as this vibeeeey playlist was playing and of all the tracks this one kanuloo something with tabu and howwwwweeeeeee you missed him with that one track of all tracks playing……the sound the intrumental vibe something bout that track and that one zoooooop bolkeeeee feeeeeel alllll feeeels of him rushes through you like it was calming you away in a way also slowly slowly raising that rush baaar highhhh higheeer and howeee……

Amidst all this galti se you fall asleep like didn’t intend to sleep this early being a youday night and whatttaaaaaaa night it’s been with this music finds….

And that one feeeeeeeeel every single time over your neck when you feeeeeel him sense him this waaaaay…..the waaaaay it just feeels like his lips over like just stays that way the waaaay you could feeeel that rush in that stillness too to that slowwww bite to the transitional his signature one……

Like it starts slow and then his usual one and the wasaaaay it shakes you up saying his name out loud……..

And some feeeeeels charlie I swear the sound of his name to say his name out loud this feeeeeeeel THIS feeeeeel!!!!!

Even today in the balcony another incident as you were taking a video of the Baarish and the sound of raindrops and this opposite balcony people finally moved in and a kid comes out screaming hiiiiii waving her hand at you and you scream back with excitement of hers hiiiiiii and the way she asks you how are you and you show her in ishaara perfect and you ask her how is she and she says good back……she asks you your name tell her shriya ask her back and she says Chetana…

OFCOURSE had to beeeeee!!!!!!!

And you tell her back it’s the most beautiful name she has…and the way she calls you cutey you are and goes back in saying her parents were calling her back in for lunch…..

THAT one feeeeeeeel charlie of some moments like you look up showing a finger telling up above there I’m understanding what you are doing with me I say…..

It’s these lil him magic moments sprinkled through your day and howweeeeeeee!!!!!!

To this moemnt now seconds back that sense and feeeeeel of him and that waaaaay just like he used to…!

This sudden burst of khushi this sudden something this string rushing through you now face is red I say imagine what must be happening on the inside right nowwwww!!!!!!

This one habit it’s becoming like Saturday night has to be in this blue set that has already given you tooooo many him moments in this and right now too this rush through you like you are sitting but everything in you literally jumping with this something this hiiiiigh of him I swear!!!!!!

Kitttuuuuuuuu miyaaaaaaaaaaa ayyyaaaaaaaaaa ayyyaaaaaaaaa only!!!!!!!!

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