Tuesday 13 August 2024


 Him being HIM!!!!!!!!

Him being his random most and yet the waaaaaaaays it makes your heart feeeel away I say!!!!!!!

It’s this beauuuuuuuty now when out looking for him yaha wahaaaaa kahaaaaaa lahaaaaaaaaaaaa to find him somewhere and today at this new cafe place finding another one of your caramel flavoured coffees this new thing of finding the best caramel anything at all and looking around heart just happy tripping on his music and this one random guy walks around white tee shirt white chaddis and white does and that very same second a newly opened cafe playing iktara was puuuureeeeee magic……at that very same second of his style spotting today!!!!!

It’s that level of Khushi it suddenly fills your heart up with is because it takes you back to again looking at him in the eye being spotted by him for the first time his first time……through the mirror that one stare him wearing the same exact thing……..

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaa the waaaaaays it did bring back all those first time seeing him living him away trying to look for him in the corners of the gym……just pure falling in love with him and not even knowing it was love…

Like there’s this magic almost magic like aura around him that pull that one something right from the very start……with him always around you beside your treadmill not talking still doing his namesake slowest walk possible and the way he would beech beech a zillion times look at you and this one time he chuckles out saying am sorry but the way you run was making me smile away……he was actually there making fun of your run but to see him smile auyaaaaaaaaaa it had your heart every single time……..and you ask him how do you actually run and he shows you how not to run instead like tries to correct your form of run instead…

Lilst thing bout him ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it’s that one sigh even reliving now your heart lives I say!!!!!

To just holding your hand getting you off the treadmill and making you cycle next to him along with him even just as friends…

Like literally hits stop on the treadmill holds your hand takes you to the cycle and that feeeeeeeel to just live that side of him…….it was like he literally was taking you off n away to all things Him…like making you his even before you knew it was love after all!!

Things you write and one thing to the other it goes and how!!!!!

All it took was his stories again am telling that one most loved circle rounding away has your heart literally circling over away I say!!!!!!!!

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