Saturday 10 August 2024

The waaaaaaay!!!!!!

 Something’s the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays they can fataaaaaaak se make you feel away from within us beyooooooond magic!!!!!!

Like he used to say back then he absolutely has the remote control to you!!!!!

He absooooooolutefuckingly does this state of you now suddenly after this long dancing the nite away just this feeeeeeeeeeeel inside of you it’s not even the pepper wine this one visual of him and a zillion more memories come rushing through you right now ayyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nothing I say possibly could make you feeeeel away like this the waaaaaaaaaaays anything Him does and HOW NOW!!!!!!!!

Ayyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the waaaaaaays he comes be it just this morning to coming back home and seeing yourself with this color that immmedddddiately takes you back to being all him coloured away by him stamped away by him!!!!!

To this now ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaa this mind today this you today pure magical bliss state of mind and you all of you breathing this him rush away and howwwwwww!!!!!!!

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