Tuesday 20 August 2024


 When you forget bout Rakhi again and that feeeeeeel as you wake up and your mom tells you bout it that one feeeel!!!!!!

Every single time on Rakhi that one feeeeeeeel you’ve always had that thing that your bhayya was the best and the way he loved you the mostest……

Till you met him to see him as a brother too and you remember telling his sister that you wish you were a part of their two member gang too and if could’ve been his sister too so that you could live him the way she did and she could……like not having to go home and away from him and that prolly was the first time you openly said something like that bout him to his sister when he was in Bangalore was the thing after all that too much missing him away then…

To the way he loved you like you always felt your bhayya knew and loved you the most and after it’s been him the way his love took over everything else that you’d ever felt……the waaaaaaaaay he knew you he loved you took over every love you’d felt or thought knew mainly your brother and mom…cause that was it all!!!!!

Spent the day just being on your own with lil work to reading something…..watching this weird series and getting scared half way through and like always putting the lights on and up just so you could get it off your mind watch this Garfield movie instead…….like everytime why see something you couldn’t possibly digest I say!!!!!

Watching watching fall asleep and this must have happened before but the waaaaaay the recent times he has been coming repeatedly the same waaaaaaaaaay and all your effort of taming calming yourself down goes vain cause when and howwwwwwwwwwe he comes ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it’s like fire literally lately!!!!!!!!!

It’s his sound that you hear first earlier used to be his scent first now it’s the sound of his rushed voice like in a hurry with that much missing the waaaaaaaay it comes woooooosh bolke and that rough in a haste kinda moving you towards him before you could even make sense of the moemnt open your eyes slow and the waaaaaaaaaaaaay he just watches you first him in that ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one shirt on him someday I swear him in black his style eyes that beauuuuutifully sleepy his lips almost going to smile and yet not smiling yet kinda vibe his complete face that adooooooooorably sleepy like wanting to be close to you exactly the way he used to come on the terrace same ditto facial expression and you try to say something or ask something and he nods not to and just watches you holding your face in his hand…….seconds after and that rush the waaaaaaaaaay he chummi eats your face up and the waaaaaay he moves over you holding you he has been doing this a lot more lately the waaaaaaaaay all of him wanting to feel you away usually he is used to do this on your lap when trying to find that comfort spot to sleep on this felt different DIFFERENT that rush of him the slow sound of his voice as he moves ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the waaaaaaaaaaaay it makes al of you come alive like suddenly !!!!!!!

To moments and the waaaaaay he keeps repeating something over n over again and that heart of yours in that moment!!!!!

Apart from every other thing how howwwwwwwwwwee you looooooved the sound of his voice too…….

To this morning just before waking up you get another one like that goes on for a bit just him living you and looooving all of him away to this other one you were standing in some lane and he walks upto you his way again and still as he walks around him people go blur and this something in you being pulled to him it was very beauuuuuutifully slow to that close up moment and the waaaaaay he chuckles away at you calling you deewani how long you have been waiting here…

And you wake up to the sound of the furniture moving in the hall outside and that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of him in the white shirt which is why the moemnt was a casual one but ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaa the waaaaaaaaaaaay him in anything makes your heart happy like it’s not just the smile on the outside but the insides of you smiling awaaaaaaaaay and how!!!!!!!!

That one charm of his almost magic like like there’s this vibe viiiiiiiiibe of him he could just stand just move just randomly smile and that one viiiiiiiiibe of him that you’ve always been in complete absolute awe of right from the very start…

Like you wake up smiling moving around with the day just that viiiiiibe of him that one visual you can’t just can’t stop playing on loop and look for your mom first thing for her phone and she was out now this waiiiiiiiiit for her to be back just soooooooo!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaa some missings I say!!!!!!!!

This mind this you that one lighting bolt spark of magic in a human I say…!

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