Saturday 17 August 2024


 He literaaaaaaly drove you ansoluuuuute mad even from distance!!!!!

The same feeeel today at dinner too where the table beside was filled with all guys and her commenting over it their attention and stuff but you sitting there open eyed himtripping away…….like whooooo sab andaaaar seeeee he doesn’t come out for anybody else around and the waaaaaaaays it comes for him is sometimes embarrassingly amazed you are…

This is also you bolke like you just are beyond your own control the waaaaay the mind the imagination has been tuning ever since then…..

To this other feeeel of his family holiday thing back then too to Nepal or some place he was at and you had this bad dream or something it was and you just call waking up jn the middle of night almost morning hour and call him to just hear him and he says a hello and you hang up knowing he is fine…

He immediately calls back again and you just a hmm without a hello and he says oh it’s you I didn’t have your number so didn’t know it’s you…..and you tell him again it was you Shriya and the waaaay he smiles away saying ofcourse i know the sound of your voice even if it’s a hmm…..

Over the call there was that much wind and you ask him bout the disturbance and he says it’s on a height and asks you what’s up and you just tell him it was a bad dream so had to check and apologise for the same and he asks you to wait for sometime on the call…..

Without a word nothing at all and just sharing the silence with him after sometime he goes hmm ok want to sleep and good night and hangs up……

The second he hangs up send you a text with just a smile……

Biggest of words sometimes fail at conveying the exact feel and there was that silence like he wanted you to be there with him in that moment even in that silence that feeeelnof his voice……..

Something’s you write and relive that sound of his voice…!

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