Sunday 18 August 2024


 Falling asleep watching this Kevin harr movie and you keep turning side with his music playing still and this one strong moment…….

When you literally wake up with a bite on your skin like it was that strong you actual actual mein feeeeeel it that’ strongly in your neck and as it shakes you up cause it was that hard that scent of him sense of him that close to you and that rush in you to see him you move or something….with a sound and wake up!!!!!

It’s the waaaaaaaay the mind feeeels the second you wake up rush to see yourself the mark still there on the neck from morning dream to this one moment……this one sure doesn’t even like it was a dream cause that’s how strongly and surely sense him that close to you that feeeeel of the bite that hard that literallllly shakes you up and you wake up…

This restless state of mind with THIS much him rushing through you get on YouTube to play a playlist and this new artist track titled you never heard before but the secondddddddd you play the track screams out your state of mind……the beat of the track didn’t care much for the lyrics but the beaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat and that first thing on mind to live him with the beat of the track…….

To live every lil detail of him to the track!!!!!!!

This mind I say!!!!!!!

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