Saturday 17 August 2024


 Somehow done with the fabric thing next was the temple and there never has been a visit to the temple like this one I say!!!!!

Like you close your eyes and there he was against the wall walking upto you and you open your eyes as there was loud baba Aarti going on but all you could live visually was him hear his sound from that moment…..three times face touching apologising baba away as you just couldn’t stop yourself!!!!!

Kitttaaaaaaa try kari charlie it just wasn’t happening today and ofc you had your very strong reasons too like after all those dreams there he was for real in that like for really real and how do you even stay calm and not feeeeeel all this away…

Aarti done again sorry away baba and back to the dinner thing you had to attend without an option of skipping it……like you try but doesn’t work and on the way out of nowhere your mom asks to stop at this “hot chips “ store to get some different variety of pack to send her brother…….

Go there stand at the store read the board and the smile glued back on HOT CHIP I say!!!!!!

Go for something come back with another and the very expected comment from mom your mind is just somewhere else face pe clear hai kuch tho chalra dimag meij…..pindeop silence after and that one feeeeeel if only you could say it wasn’t walking it was Him rushing through you and HOW!!!!!

It’s been one embarrassingly beauuuuuuuuuutiful day today hiding away from your own rush of mind with THAT much him still rushing through you!!!!!!!!!!!

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