Friday 23 August 2024


 When he comes in almost version of him possible!!!!!!

It was a very very hectic day yesterday with multiple things to work on also with few Kairi things to work on for this weekend it was pure chaos!!!!!!

By the time you get home you baaaaadky wanted to just play it again and live that beauuuuuty of him away like that was your peace space and the kinda chaos you looooooooooooved to live away…

Still doing the last bit of work you fall asleep and this one strong grip over your waist and the waaaaaaaaaaay that scent of him that very second and the waaaaay moves his hand over your back to your hair and that sudden shiver all over cause you felt him do this after VERY long!!!!!  

And as you turn you were in the car with him looking at you smiiiiiiiling awaaaaay singing I wanna hold your hand and raises his eyebrow asking what’s up cause in your head you still were living that moment of him feeelinf you away and the next best second he was here singing awaaaay his loudest and adoooooorable self……with same pouting his lips away and in ishaara asks you to come closer and that second wooooosh bolke holding him awayyyy and sniffing all of him away still in that moment and this one moemnt him on the bed and you bring some chips or something for him as he sits on the bed and just smiles awaaaaaay that one smile of his and checks you out and in the dream you see yourself down and you were wearing the saaaaame exact blue floral lounge set that you love most now and shows you how the neck part of it was low and seeing it was smiiiiiling away that smile as he was checking you out for the same…to that moment standing before the mirror and he holds you from the back just like he used to and looks at you living that moment of holding you……same set again like that one visual to live him that way in this set like from now him from now in the black shirt in the car it was a deep navy shirt……

It’s that one visual charlie the look on him his eyes lion eyes as he again checks you out from the mirror too head to toe kinda stare without a smile this time……and that rush in you as he moves his head closer to your neck that one strong shiver that strikes throug you literaaaaaaaaaly like a bolt of current strong current and you wake up……

It was past your alarm and you didn’t even feel a thing beyond Him……


The first thing you do is look at yourself and you were actually wearing the same set last night for real mein…

Some dreams nai pure gorgeous madness I say!!!!!!!

That rush in you living that moment of him moving over your shoulder with that one expression on him that feeeeeeeel that one visual and to link it with what you were actually wearing waking up that beauuuuuuuuty of some dreams…….

It was madness inside your head and you just had to had to feel him more in a way wanted to continue from that moemnt or that moment of him feeling your back and stopped there!!!!!

This beauuuuuuty of some sounds post workout getting on with the himversions and to feeeeeeeeeeeeel him on your skin was MAAAAADNESS the waaaaaay to feel that brush of the arm against your skin to that warm breath over the nape of your neck as you move like you extend lean no matter how you move the waaaaaaaaaaaaaays you could strongly feeeeel him to when the moves that need to switch to something else you move playing this video of a dance to the same two feet track it’s in your mind dancing away moving away for him kinda mad mad mad madness I say!!!!!!

It was some strange need of the moemnt to that feeeeeee when it gets a lil too much something for you to handle with your mind and tone down the moves playing some other track…….

To finally sitting down for few mins self reflecting and wondering from what to what I say!!!!!!!

From feeling that first something lil inside of you for him to liking him to loooooving him away to the first hug first kiss first touch on your skin for that matter was him to the many firsts be it meeting him or online him literallllly giving you lessons away of things……to living him feeeeeling away inside your mind and in his absence…

It was a DIFFERENT level of madness today!!!!!!

Some missings I say!!!!!!!

This you again one of those times when you wanna hide away from it all for a bit to calm yourself down for a bit even looking at yoruself in the mirror that one visual of him holding you is all you can see…

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