Saturday 17 August 2024


 The mind the visuals the sound of him and this you it has immeeeditaely transformed into!!!!!

And this one topic of distance and feels and it was like if you miss someone too much you try and fill up with someone else to make it better like anything that comes your way and eventually realise it had to be that one only…and it was only your attempt of filing it up with something temporary and eventually gets filled with thats meant to be…

And this thing you’d been across like it crossed your mind self question over some reading too last week……

This previous photographer youd worked with and the very first shoot itself you were adamant bout the phi thug getting the live preview monitor setup to check the shots… if any changes lighting concern can be fixed whilst it’s being shot only instead of referring later and not finding best shots…

But the last time too doesn’t get the monitor mentioning some cable excuse same as last time……and this time when you had to check the shots kept taking your phone off your hand so you could hold the camera and would keep in the shorts… the next outfits used to give you the camera and stand right behind you showing the shots discussing the angle and closest to your body where you could feel the guy standing against your back and then moving against you……and you move ahead and comes closer again and then one hand over your shoulder trying to show you some shot…and you fataaak se give the camera back ask him to maintain a lil distance and don’t recheck the shots after that!!!!

Which eventually did affect the final outcome of the shoot as it turned out very below average almost…..

And post shoot leave a text saying the guy needs to be more professional when at work and didn’t work again with the guy…….

To hiring the most strict one for the next small content you had to work with and it turned out great work wise……

To coming back to this thing bout being literally deprived of him in the waking state it never for a second even crossed your mind or that feel of liking something some touch some conversation that you like or it makes you like someone like something even for a bit…….like in your head mind body you were that sure of where the place is…who the place is!!!!

Back then too with him it just was that beauuuuuutkfully natural like you always were that used to him right from the very first time when he leans over to show you how to do the arm workout to placing his headphones over your head and his hands still over yours holding it him being that THAT close there was that something that one connection that one string that tied you to him immediately…….

Like finding someone you belong to…

And regardless of the distance the absence in the waking state it has remained the same or maybe grown stronger with time like even now you picture him on the opposite chair when at cafés in your own……to feeeeeeelinf these feeeels away when you feeel like a woman comes with him…

Liking a man feeeeeling these things away for a man liking the features the facial features the sound of him the scent of a man the body details something as basic as him walking and you finding all of these attractive being drawn to them feeeeelinf this what you’ve been feeling today since the very start has always been him…you can’t possibly explain it how why what but it’s this feeeeeeeeel charlie that just comes with seeing him or even in his dreams moments theijrb the day and then finding this logic again from reading…

The things you see most often through the day like some number some name is not random it’s a sign it’s your calling it’s a sign of the universe kinda logic….

And unintentionally the only number on the cars you see lately are 2727 2772 7272 like every combination possible of his Škoda number from back then!!!!!

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