Sunday 25 August 2024


 Mornings and waking up like this all his dream through this one track playing as he just lives you away in his signature wiiiiiiiiide open seeeeeeeexedupppppp black shirt of his….his one hand under his rest as he rests over it and you THAT CLOSE to him and he just lives your details away smiling that one smile of his from a distance…you try to go a lil closer and the waaaaaaay he pushes you by your chest and chuckles awaaaaay that afoooorably and just watches checks you out head to toe…andddddd ohhhhhhhhhh mannnnnnnnn the waaaaaaaaaaaay he looks that insaaaaanely wild pure gorgeous chaos just by being his self resting and checking you out…this one track plays on loop at the back all through the dream…….

It was a VERY hectic day yesterday with over 10 outfits to be shot in like 3 hours back to back and also simultaneously to keep the model entertained as well so she is in the vibe for the shots…….

It was exhausting but a great one by the end of it……to other moments and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaays he kept walking through those moments with that rush of him through you…….and it was like the clouds moving right now the waaaaaaaay you were being swept away all things him to that level when clicking the shots you were literally loudly singing it put cause that urge of singing to him when missing him that much in that very moment!!!!!

There wete these beauuuuuuuutiful moments charlie through the shoot and the realisation of you could be doing anything at all and all you need is that one lil fraction sec of him rushing through you and the waaaaaaaays it takes over all of you like literaaaaly being wrapped away with all of him on the inside where on the outside it still all looks calm…

To this waking up this morning and this sloooowwww himmmm highd state of you like you are just not ready to day out yet or not talk at all for a bit and this happrns a LOT when you are this hiiiiiiiimhighd you just dont wanna talk to anybody or do something yet and just be and watch the sky or the clouds away like right now for a bit…its another kinda high i say…!

To words like these!!!!!!!!

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