Thursday 29 August 2024

Sound waves…!

 There’s that one place your heart mind body and soul keeps going back to time n again over n over again and HOWEEEEEEEE!!!!!!


Him still being here when you get this dream at Versova!!!!!

Like you’ve been making a point to sleep early just so you could get in the morning workout lately and skipped Pilates away completely!!!!!!

Cause Pilates just works on the body but you still come empt mind and lacks the soul there……

Like you feel the workout there in your body but there’s that big something you missed experiencing living as you move and it’s been Him always…

Cause the waaaaaaaays you feel him move along with you as you move every inch is beyond logics I say!!!!!!

So last nite too make it a point to sleep early listening to his music away and missing away as usual way too much with just 2-3 stories of his howwwweeeeeee only you miss him posting now!!!!!

And this one turn and you could hear the waves crashing by and that big smile from within and with eyes still shut you move your hands trying to look for him and you could feel some table and that makes you slowly open your eyes to check where you are at and as you turn back there he was right there living you away in a first time pale powder blue shirt and ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa am telling you any color on him and the waaaaaaaaaaay he looks in that toooo and in that very moment all of you on the inside goes whoowwwwwwwwweeeeewwwweeeee he looks gorgeous in this too like every dream you make sure not to react too loud or refrain from making any sudden movements……cause you knoww!!!!!

And still living how beauuuutiful his eyes looked his nose his beauuutoful wide forehead his lil lil daaadi and the waaaaaay he smiles a lil and comes closer and that one visual like the waaaay al of him zoooomimg in closer like from a distance to his every detail zoooming closer to your face and that one second where all you could see was his lips and the waaaaaaaay he chummi eats your nose up and still chuckles away doing so…….moves a lil and his lips on your forehead still slow and yet that passionately the waaaays he moves his face over yours and tells you it’s been years now abhiii kaisa kaisa ghooorti re tu merku and chuckles awaaaay still over your forehead……..and by then like you just wanted to and you move him a lil and feel his hair his neck his cheeks his nose just by feeeeling like that need that strong urge to touch live and feeeel every bit of him and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he comes even closer and!!!!!!!!!


Like even now as you write the sound of him breathing moving saying to the sound of the waves crashing by like to live all of him to that sound the waaaaaaay in your head it’s that oneness of him moving loving you away living away was all like fluid the waaaay he moves it’s like small gentle waves to the big wilder ones that you know any closer to you is going to swwwwwwwoooooop you away and howwwweeeeee and yet you just wanna stay there to be hit by that big wild wave and that’s ezcabtly howww living him away felt being moved by him felt like…

To the wave sound to the alarm sound and all you could still see wanna feel is that one visual of seeing him right there in that skirt living you away looking his gkrgeeeeeeeously sleepy best……

And the next obvious thing was to get in the workout and this looooooooove to wait for the post workout…….

Play some sound vibe initially and then doesn’t workout play this one track that you’ve lived him the MOSTEST with!!!!!

Concentric circles and now from that circle to this circle over him that you wait for whattteeeee only!!!!!

Trying new moves again with every move every stretch the waaaaaays your hand were feeling away living away that one feeeeeel of just feeling him….as you close your eyes this tingle on your fingers and palm of your hand and the visual with eyes shut was his Dd space feeling him away his face his details his hair his shoulder to the nape of his neck and howwww he loved it the way he would close his eyes and just move his head slow as you feel his nape away…..

It was beauuuuuuuuutiful today like two versions of him that you were living  away in your movement with your movement you could feel him move with you against your skin and in your visual there was him from that meet……

Something’s you write and this rush of goosebumps immedidddddiately!!!!!!

This mind today like your mind still that high you still breathing high like post workout and stretches usually calms you down but today like you can still feel it in you THIS rush!!!!!!!

Miyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa whatttttt only do awaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!

I swear charlie if he only knew!!!!!!

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