Monday 12 August 2024


 Howwwwwww like HOWWWWWEEEEEE can you possibly POSSIBLY be still madly in love this myaaaaaaadly in loooove even 15 years after now with that one face in the world for you like THIS!!!!!!!

When he comes driving away literally in the dteam too and sings away hums away the same ditto song and comes closer ayyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this heart right now even reliving the moment now like actually living that same moment even writjng now!!!!!!!!!

He is that poetry in motion he is that fluid of magic in vision ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one beauuuuuuuty of the whole of HIM!!!!!!!!!!!

Every lilst detail of him LOOOOOOOOOOOVE i say!!!!!!!

It’s like the mind is soooooooooo high on him from that one moment the way he moves and comes closer to standing still at a distance is your call to go closer that one pull thaaaaaaaaaaaat one pull of him with just the waaaaay he looks at you ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ayyaaaaaaaaaaayoooooooooooo cutieeeeeeee kittuuuuuuuuuuu miyaaaaaaa i say!!!!!!!!

How much how kucb how many waaaaaays youve lived and missed him in that same black shirt and yet yearned so bad to see him for real in it!!!!!!

Him in that shirt is all things love LOVE looks like innocence beauty charming passionate wild madness ooodles of naughty charm that rough edgy almost side of humor like just in the way he moves smiles nods and walks away ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa how only how onlyyyyyyyyy do you even tame this missing away now……..

To coming that closer that you could hear his heart beating away your face with all and just HIM!!!!!!!

This morning feeels diffferent its like connecting dots from reality to your dream world to back in reality as you are up again to still be able to smell him on your pillow or on you…

Somethings you write and this feeeeeeeeeel now all over again…!

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