Saturday 10 August 2024


 To seeeee him the waaaaaaay you did this morning and the weirder after feeeels that made you miss him all the more to finding this thing over you and in your head feeeelinf all happy away like it was that visible on your all over your face be it covering it’ away with your hair initially with that him thing still on your head and then realising but this one’s a rash to finally when your mom usual habit leaves her phone out watching this His kendric musical documentary thing……..get off to get another glass of wine and see her phone right there and that one strong feeeeel check it and ayyyaaaaaaa after all these months there he was and HOW!!!!!

It was your most loved his drive video thing and the track playing his lucky ali ek na ek din…….to the end of it with his legs some visuals spaces and that feeeeeeeeeel it instaaaantly fills you up with!!!!!!

2 of your most LOVED things his lap and his drive actually 3 things and HIM!!!!!!!!

Actually 4 his music too!!!!!!!!

It’s that instantttttttttt rush of Khushi it overloads you with to think of it now him saying finally as he was back in Hyderabad cause it also had his ringo post after at his house……but of all things why you were feeeeeeling all happy away even now smiling hiiigh happpppy away stil no ideas!!!!!!

Sel assocating with things that wasn’t with you but it’s this feeeeeeeeel on the inside that geeeeels it all this strongly away and THAT you can’t help hide or fight away I say!!!!!

Ab joooo hai whooo hai it’s taking it all in awaaaaaay happppy highiiiiing awaaaaay with tooo many smiles so you let it!!!!!

As it is it’s beeen that long be it seeing him not literally but seeing any of him and then to relive that bibeeeeee of being with him on drives laying over his lap with his music playing ultimate ULTIMATE LEVEL OF HAPPPPPYNESSS I say!!!!!!

And then there’s alsoooo that ventooo flashback drive memories to just been days you’ve been saying psydelic his way to anythung and everything and today when you see that video again of his the sound of him saying psssssychedelic pouting his lips adooooooooorable lips away rushes through you even writing it now ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kitttuuuuuuuuu miyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa whattteeeeeee only!!!!!!!!

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