Saturday 10 August 2024

Sounds n visuals!!!!

 It’s this vibe of his drive stories and how you’ve alwaaaaaays loved LOVED them!!!!!

And this strongest rush of missing everytime when on shoots and as most of these studio spaces are on the outskirts of city every drive there and howwwwwww you’ve missed him with Mumbai boards everywhere and just that idea of being on the highway cause you were that used to with just him and mostly sleeping over his lap where you miss out on the road view but had the BESTEST view to trip on with his music playing…his hand over you him checking you out beech beech mein smiiiiiling awaaaay holding you closer!!!!

To the upgrade of drives in his vento living him loving him in a new upgraded version much mucher upgraded version!!!!!!

To the sound of him talking over the call as he would call you whilst driving away from highway and tell you how far he was at to the kid like eeeeeee I’ve finally reached update from him as he reaches bombay!!!

To that feeeeeeel of him rushing to see you first soon as back from Bangalore and his friends go over to pickup and wait for him downstairs as he comes over to see you first thing……

And that eventually did become another one of your most favvvvv most LIVED LOVED moment of him……

To see him that way for the first time to live that feeeeeel of a missing ending to finally seeeinf him right there in the lift his khaki jacket his daaaaadi full grown wild his messy hair and his smiiiiiiiile still this clear even as you write now and can almost see him from that very moment eyes a lil sleeepy shy high and the waaaaaaaay he fataaaak se opens the lift gates with you rushing with the gate too to just hold him and he instead lifts you up that feeeeeeeeeeeeeel of a FINALLY!!!!!!!!

It was like you didn’t wanna blink and miss out on seeing him for that second too somethings you write now and this feeeeeeeeeeeeeel right now!!!!!!!

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