Saturday 17 August 2024


 To finally at dinner them eating them chatting her saying something your mind your complete self was in that state where you don’t feel a thing from that present moment like you see everything around but it’s not really reaching your senses to make sense or follow up on what was happening around…

Chorily plug in music one ear plug and that one immeeeediaye feeeel of finding your zone back like open eyes tripping on him looking at normal people around……

To again sneaking out from there for a bit with your moms phone to check again and nope doesn’t post anything after that and she comes from behind and the first thing shriya you didn’t have to come if you weren’t up for it your face is red you don’t seem like you today…..

How do even tell anybody for that matter this isn’t even you today this you was after so long like the actual you after so long cause usually it’s only at home at this hour but today walking talking moving around in the day you were that madly him tripping away and HOW!!!!!!

There was this one wild party in your head imagination running wild mind going back to replaying those visuals from the dreams every single one with him in that beauuuuuuty!!!!!!

Tho having lived him up closest possible in that shirt in the dream that one feeeeeeeeeeel I swear today was something else only!!!!!!!

Like you just COULDNT help it!!!!!!

It almost felt like seeing him meeting him for real in that shirt kinda vibe cause yig alone know how bad HOW BAAAAAAD you wanted to see him in that shirt in the dream itself today…..

To this book she was carrying and this one line she mentions and talks bout and that another realisation about distance and love and feeels that comes with distance…

This madness this something like being in complete awe of him being his biggest fan ever has always been right from the very start…!

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