Wednesday 6 March 2024


 Been a rough few days lately but not right now for that!!!!

This beauuuuuty of some visuals watching the creator now and this one visual reverse visual and that exact same viiiiibe of watching him sleep over your lap or just watching him sleep in his room and you looking down upon him…and that THAT feeeeeeeeeeel it used to always fill you up with!!!!!

How much more can you possibly love a face and to what extent and for how long!!

It’s his details his facial details and the wssaaaaaays you loved have had lived loved each one of them!!

And how you loooooooooved living him sleep watch every detail of his his lips his forehead his cheeks his chin with that lil under the lip goatee of his back then…

This feeeeeeel right now just living this one visual this one constant wish lately waking up sleeping to and with!!

To live him again to love him again and only more and lot more deeply passionately this time, literally to just life with him in any to every way possible…!

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