Thursday 21 March 2024

Suchdilemas ep 2!!

 Missing him too much go to a place of his just so you feeeeel and live him there and now coming back home it’s only gotten that much more beautifully madly worse now……

It’s this lostness of missing him THIS bad and then coming back with a whole lottaaaaa more missing rushing through you highest speed possible…

Doing struggling diverting and this one like does it how charlie did become your ultimate hideout space of your mind to write bout him to miss him to live him in words and moments and sometimes to just write out scream out your missing obvsly cause you can’t tell him can’t tell nobody and yet you just had to let it out…

Like right now this one huge lost state of mind today coming back from his stadium place today…with that many moments relived and new ones made just living him there in those spaces…

And the waaaaaaaay it always ALWAYS makes you relive that one same feel no wonder even after all this while…this love for him never faded or changed, only grew with time like today you love him even more than you did the last you were at the stadium…

Another one of those things that’s absolutely beyond logics…!

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