Friday 15 March 2024


 This you!!!!!!

That HIM!!!!!!

The waaaaaaays he has been coming charlie leaves your imagination and heart wild!!!!!!!

Like all day it’s a lil hectic with early schedule and now officially you are NOT a morning person!!!!!

And with everything else there’s that wild wild wiiiiiiild beauuuuuuuuuty of him and the waaaaaay he is with you all day long running along in your mind rushing through you like beech beech mein even amidst the confusion of work you find yourself zoning off and away to the himland and smiling akele akele!!!!!

That one rush of him and this you it leaves you with is beyond…

Like it literally leaves your imagination running wild no matter where you are like the other day on shoot for shoot you were supposed to play techno stuff to make the model move and pose like literally show her how to pose with the beat in your mind like it gets you in the vibe…….and instead of playing techno you play cannons that’s EVERYTHING HIM!!!!!!!

To you this one artist almost every track is him like rhye and cigarettes after sex thing too……it’s your new addiction when you want to feel him more you play this!!!!!

And that day early morning shoot you play this one and the waaaaaaaay it just diverted your mind off to him like you were actually moving while taking her pictures it was completely him focus and her telling you what music it was and she knew one track of it and that’s when you realise you had cannon playing……and you fataaak se change it cause your Him music is yours alone something’s you just can’t share…

This ones one of those things!!

To these dreams and you wake up and first thing to listen to these cause it elevates that missing rush to another level only…

Then slowly play all tracks that make you miss him more cause these close ups of him the waaaaays he has been letting you love him feee him touch him hold him and this you it’s been leaving you with!!!!!!!

How long how do you even!!!!!!!!!

To this morning steam when you write dream and it coorects it to steam what do you even do cause pretty much the same!!!!!!!!

Him in that same sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxedupblack soft skin shirt of his namesake style of his even writing reliving him from this morning this sudden rush of goosebumps right now!!!!!!

This one track I was on fire for you where did you go some words of it you don’t vibe with cause there’s nothing else more you love than to think bout him live him in your mind and forever grateful for having found him and his love!!!!!

It’s the waaaaaaaay that one line or two and the vibe of the beats of that track literally insync with the state of your mind just that it’s not was for you it’s still is more so now it is on fire for you kinda thing you wake up…….

It’s like now you see him that way live him that way and that one feeeeeeeeeel even when holding him like this morning like jaaaan boojke you’ve been coming like this nai!!!!!

Kinda feeeeel you wake up with there’s that rush in you even writing it now this rush to runnnnnn to him!!!!!!!!

And you just had to get in the workout today with this longing to feeel him more and post cardio it was his honey Singh madness to chillar somgs missing away dancing away moving away with to your most loved time of the day after waking up…

Getting on the floor and finding him and HOW……..

Usually it’s his hands around and over today with that one track playing you for the first time feeel his lips all over same way his hand used to move it was his lips today knowing not be writing something’s but today just can’t help it…cause felt him that way for the first time and that one wish to feeeel him that way same exact way for real…….cause you never did!!

It’s that rush in you right now even writing out reliving that feeeeel all over again now…

How do you even feeeeeeeeeeeel all of this away inside and act normal still on the outside!!

Sing miyaaaaaaaaaaaa if you only lnewwwwwwww how could you not knowwwwwwww how only you are being missed awaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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