Thursday 28 March 2024


 Not sure if it was the loooiooongest day of the decade or the HIIT training you’ve been trying lately could barely keep the eyes open and this moooood you already in playing his music lights out but something on tv playinf and the waaaaaaaaaaay you feeeeeel him bring his face closesssssst to yours like he literally pushes your face with his in a way trying to make space on the cushion for his face too……and that feeeeeel of his hand over your waist as he tries to hold you and you wake up but you were already up but stil you wake up……..that one pull that one feeeeeeeeeel touch sense scent of him…

Change the track play the one again and not sure if you were asleep or what you feeeeel him again seconds back same exact ditto way again and only this time doesn’t just hold you but grabs you like he used to back then rough but that feeeeeel of him wanting you to be closer to him…….

And now you just had to open both your eyes out now now to write this moment out ayyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it’s not just your mind your heart your insides but every bit and inch of you the waaaaaaaays it craves for him………

How only what only !!!!!!!!!

This fweeeeel right now to hold him for real not just hold chummi eat his face not just his face chummi eat all of him for real like now NOW NOW!!!!!!    

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