Friday 22 March 2024

The THE stadium…

 How many times will it be too much or just enough for this one place…….

Cause it definitely was the start of it all place cause even back then the way he just knew how important was it for him to spend that time with you for you to realise what he actually meant to you in your life…cause until then it was just being very good friends…….

Again where any other route even today no matter how many times you e been around you always forget the right route to some places but his places just know……

This one find of straight road to the temple goes through the chai wali galli and as and when there just looking around picturing him there taking chai cups and you living that beauuuuuuuty of him sitting in the car under the evening golden street lights ask to slow down the speed in that galli cause your mind was living him in corners there…….

To that route to the stadium and that one feeeeeeel every single time there just this time you see that road they had it locked with a gate where he used to take the car around and park it much ahead of these temples cause these temples used to be the backdrop to that view where he used to park the car……like you stand there live that moment of him driving across the lane and finally enter the temple there was just one random guy with nobody around as it was late noon ask the driver to stand by close not too close to your stadium view spot just a lil far off around to keep an eye…

Sit there play his music and that feeeeeeeeeeeel this time of holding yourself just sitting there……..

All of those moemnts memories from being there the first time him standing beside without saying a word hours his phone your phone in the car ringing and the way he was smiling away by the way you weren’t answering your ghar ke calls just cause of the waaaaaaaay he just felt beside charlie it was beauuuuuutiful that first time feeeeeel of how you for the first time wanted to be close to a guy like distance wise it didn’t scare you like there was that need to be just a lil closer to where he was standing beside you with both your backs resting over his car……some music playing in his car and you just stand there and that moemnt where you take step closer to be beside him and he just looks at you in the eye and the waaaaaaaaay it felt like he just held all of you literally and smiles that lil smile and looks down at the distance between you and him…

After when you get back in the car the way he raises his eyebrows asking in a way what’s up what’s happening and then touches your hand showing you your bangles and says something bout it like Kareena style or something and he actually liked how you even had a faded bangle but made your wrist looked pretty…

Needless to say you still have that one bangle in your treasure chest of him things!!

To those first times of him chummi eating up your nose away to the first time moemnts to the first and thankfully the only time being caught by cops……

To those late evenings there chilly winter evenings sitting on the temple steps sometimes leaning over his shoulder watching that view with that sound of the temple bells at the backdrop and rest of it that beauuuuutiful quiet…..and this lil stole thing softest one you used to wear over your Kurtis and the waaaaaay he would just feel it over your shoulder cause he loved the softness of it and from shoulder to feeling your face gently and smiling away looking you in the eye there was that one beautiful pause every single time in moments like these……and that sudden rush in you the way he would just bring his face closer still feeling your face away…..all of you wanting to chummi his face away but it’s temple and you are out out and there’s also the him him living that vibe loving that vibe of just holding that moemnt feeling you from that lilst distance just touching you feeling you and living your presence away…….and one nod of yours and the waaaaaaay he would nod back saying car mein jayinge karely and chuckle away that adoooooooorablh after noticing that rush in you for him……..

Something’s you write now relive now and this sudden rush now!!!!!!!!!

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