Tuesday 19 March 2024


 Mix of him!!!!!!

The mind lately been swinging and now lately!!!!!!

From that vast lostness to THAT much him suddenly soon as you shut your eyes….

Like all of last night he kept saying one thing on loop and the waaaaaaaaaaay he was saying it a nibble of you and a lil away and says it again comes closer does the same thing and this one time when you get hold of his shirt the waaaaaaaaay he slowly pulls back with that one button in your hand cause that’s how had your grip on his shirt hoping it would come off only instead……..and as he sees that one Hutton in your hand the waaaaaaay he nods that nod knowing just knowing what was on your mind…

Like there were these bits of him through the night and the waaaaaaay he again comes this morning just before the alarm goes off…the waaaaay he tightly holds you from you behind all of you his face over your shoulder and says it over again…….something’s you don’t wanna give yourself that high hope writing it out here when you re read these moments again so skipping it for now…for this dream!!

To that moment when you just stay that way feeeeeeeling smelling his presence away and that one bite of him over the shoulder and that’s when the alarm goes off……the very first thing you had to was run to the mirror to check the shoulder and even writing it now HOW is all you can think of how is that even possible………..he did leave a mark of his on your shoulder!!!!!!!

Even writing it now the way it still feels on your shoulder not just the mark it’s that feeeeeeeel of him just like it used to back then the waaaay it used to feel till almost a week on your skin that sweet pain exact same one this morning se over your shoulder……..

The waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he looked in that deep maroon sheer shirt there’s that wild forest like beauty of him that comes out in these tones deep tones!!!!!!

His eyes super sleepy and that beauuuuuutifully high his lips constantly with that pull in him coming closer and then moving a lil away to just live you that smile tat wink that nod ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaa this heart of yours I swear even writing it now!!!!!!!!!!!!

To this morning you just had to wanted to needed to feel him longer……

Get in the workout dancing moving jumping away with chillarest tracks this one humma track brings his hummi along soon as he would hit the bed always make that sound saying hummmiii peet dukhri meri karely aake dabati and then even before you answer to that chuckleeeee away that adooooooooorably saying sooorat dekh apni jaaake kya khush hori like he would just know things that made you the happiest to sometimes actually coming over and as you make him turn his back towards you just bout to press it and the waaaaaaaay he would nod chuckle away saying no karely don’t things it’s doing instead……..

It was like a flashback of his voice his chuckles his moves his sound just his sound like he was actually talking all along with your workout today that himhighddddddd mind was is still right now!!!!!

To that moment post workout this one track and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybyou could just feeeel him over your spine today like that was his main focus today all spine to the nape of your neck just that feeeeeeeeeel of him and the waaaaaaay it was making you move today was something else……to this one point where it feeels like his hands under your hair over the scalp like he used to hold your hair rough back then and then pull you closer today that very saaaaame ditto feeeeeeel for that moment and your hair clip falls hair open and that feeeeeeeeeel that very moment that very moment take a pic to save that feel…BEAUTIFUL MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!

It’s allllll feeeeeling allll very different today the mind this you this shoulder even now!!!!!!!!

It’s this strong big BIG BIG want of him for him!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s just feeeeling very different today!!!!!!!!

As and when you look at yourself now and then since morning it even shows on you…!

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