Sunday 10 March 2024


 Even on that day there was this wait in you something anything that he was fasting too cause you don’t even know if he does anymore but the way it’s something that you most love now look forward to the most every year…..

And sometime later that one circle of love finally and that rush in you see it it was bout the dragon ball animator thing and that feeeeeeeel by the second you saw it like always a rush of things that go through your mind wondering wandering….

To days later today finding this track of his years after now on a random playlist and one track after the track the way it takes you back to the evening him parking the car a lil away from your apartment stops there abruptly and sleeps over your lap holding your arm one hand holding your leg tightest with the orh r…

Asks you that question with tears in his eyes like you could feel it over your arm and you didn’t want to disturb him in such moemnts by rushing any reaction cause it used to be him opening up kinda moment…

And he slowly asks you don’t react or ask me back question again just tell me what if some day …….and something’s you don’t want to complete the sentence even…

And it wasn’t even cause he mentioned don’t react or ask me back that you couldn’t say a word then you actual mein didn’t know what to answer to that cause you actual mein didn’t know what you would do…….cut to years after sitting here writing out that very moment reliving him from that moment you still donno what to do…

Of all the moments why this moemnt you asked yourself mommenrs back like why of all the things you had to this one and that sudden realisation 1st week march same time around it was back then too……

This andar ka Subodh I tell you!!!!!!

Comes out even on the most ironic of days and moments!!

But the beauty again of that evening of that most ironic question moemnt of your life was him telling you the way he did…….

The way all of him was still holding onto all of you and as you just lay over his head holding him back after a min or two of him asking you that question without anything to answer back……

The waaaaay he rushes up and hugs you finally holding you in a rush and tells you forget anything I said like that it was nothing I don’t even know why I said that never take anything I say like this ever seriously……..still holding you kissing away your shoulder don’t ever leave me karely!!!!!

U still wondering how could you possibly even!!!!!!!!!

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