Wednesday 27 March 2024

To live!!

 Just when you are living this him trip from today or for now living him in details of his things and one of your model friend sends you this message quote kinda thing bout love…

Relating it to the word post you posted the best and easiest way to stay in love for life and wake up excited bout the one you are in love with no matter how many years it’s been is to stay obsessed bout them as you did on the first day of love…

That never was too difficult for you!!

Ever since the first time you have always been in awe of him anothe way of obsessing a much softer version beautofuller version…

Like always been in awe of him the entirety of him anythung him to everything him like adore him awe of him walks talks smiles smokes moves stays still anything at all and it used to be as of though you are just living a piece of art living away every detail of his…and every time finding something new than before!!

No wonder even when meeting him everyday the next day too you had that feeeeel of being in awe of him…

To years later now even in his absence, happens even now…

With every dream every moment every minute detail like in your bag right now still in awe of him!!!!!!

Something’s nai fall this insync when the initial thing was to change the bag bas but here you are now living that adooooorableness of him string of memories along that this one picture of his brought along!!

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