Sunday 31 March 2024


 Late waking up the first thing usual routine go take a round in the balcony just stay there for a bit drinking water his style first thing before brushing and go find your moms phone and first thing to live him……

Today that one circle of love circling and the waaaaaaay that instant rush of jump he is here he is here jump scream inside of you to think of it now like he actually was there for real cause that’s HOW BAAAAAAD youd been missing him lately……so you alone know what that meant to you hit it and there he was with tat friend of his that you’d bumped that many times at Hnm and traffic too……months back this one time kids section you were just passing by and this pull on your jeans at the bottom and check there was this boy kid and the way the mom comes saying something and you look at her it was the same one she smiles checks you out you checking out her how tiny she was and that first thing to look around her if at all IF AT all he was there too…….

The same one today in that picture but the main being him in that blue n white striped shirt this one is more navy striped that one from gym first shirt on him was more a lighter blue tone……

This shirt closest sure he wore it on your birdyhay too post bup when he takes you on a long drive not going there cause if the things it does to your mind away…….just before it went all wild and mad there was this moemnt soon as you get in the car after a min or two on the road the waaaaaay he just looks at you stil driving and looks over his shoulder that was your call now you could go closer and the first thing to literally run to him over his shoulder and you smell his scent and the waaaaaaaaay it brings everything him back from the start…….

And the way he says watching you smell him he had the shirt on since morning and it’s been a long day and stuff and you just tel him you loved the way he was smelling and that chuckle of his calling you howli…….

He still had a fresh spray of fragrance somehow but the notes of his scent the way it did bring back everything him that very moment too!!!!!

Soooooo yaahhhhh this picture the way he had the shirt on his style all open and you literally eyeing living looooooving every detail of his zooming him away his lower lip goatee from back then it’s just him charlie from back then and that feeeeeeeeeel even right now!!!!!!!

To that realisation of him being an absolute ladies man like any girl woman in the world could would feeel the safest with him like there’s no other place more safer than having him by your side kinda vibe he was!!!!!!

Pictures do this to you nai seeing him from back then cause he also mentions bout being a decade old kinda thing his face from back then having lived that many times touched felt kissed adooooooored looooooooved!!!!!!

They do this to you nai bring back evrythung just like that places corners inches you’ve lived loooved to so just feeeeeling everybody to anybody that absolutely lucky luckiest to be able to breathe the same air as him to live him to talk to him to hear him to have him for real in their life to any form of his presence to just have him in their life in any which way possible…….to have him want to talk to them to have him want them in his life, prolly the biggest most luckiest feel nai…

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