Wednesday 19 July 2023

Waking ups!!!!!

 When you have the most disturbed waking ups you’ve ever woken upto and go back to sleep to have a better dream that calms it all away thinking hoping wishing it will help but it doesn’t…

The one face the one man lived and loved and some dream with him beside and you living him away with that much heiiiights of happiness rushing through you to be able to live the same space and live him from that close and he says he doesn’t remember you !!!!!!

It was the weirdest dream ever till date like it’s been days and nights with months and years of dreams of him but never a single one like this…

When you go back to sleep trying to hope wish some sign something that makes you feel otherwise that changes that and makes it better, doesn’t happen!!!!!!

With the current state of mind and lostness like ye bhi hona tha kya?!

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