Thursday 20 July 2023

Mind wanderings…

 Mind wanderings on a beauuuuutiful rainy night as this one……

When sound the cars or the people around evrythung else sort of starts to disappear and all you can hear smell feeeel is the sound of the rains…

Some days when you are this lost in the head with too many feeels having felt through the day in moments and sounds and the waaaaays they bring him along you just donno where or how to start from!!!

This one thought ringing through you never I say never love and find too many people in one…

Cause when you lose them you just lose all those too many people that you’d found in just that one person…

Off late with these realities hitting you away sort of making sense with the actual reality now sometimes you wish if atleast the friend in him had stayed!!

Annnnnnnnnndddddddd it got even weirder writing your mind out cause in your head it still sounded sane now writing the very tmsame thought out and reliving that one face how do you not even love it I say!!!!!!!   

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