Saturday 29 July 2023


The magic and beauty of visuals and the more you write the less it would be!!!!!!

Cause be it places drives night streetlight beauty the waaaay they bring him along all the more this season…

Be it that story of his it was comic with the stare and the way it did bring along a lucky moemnt from back then too…..

Lucky bhok Lucky bhok billi terku look deke jaari how will you protect us bhok reee!!!!!

His conversation with lucky just before heading back home him dropping you home step out and a cat passes by and lucky that adorably just watches it walk past by and he starts to have this adooooorable conversation with lucky saying also if he doesn’t bark how will he protect Him…..

It was purest form of joy and elevated level of love for him in moments like these!!!!!!

To just live him his mind his conversation his sound of voice in moments like these was only making you love him all the more… don’t just live somebody or love somebody for the way they love you but it’s more bout how they love and live in general it’s in the way of their life in the way they love things and others makes you love them all the more…

Him to you was way more than just that!!!!!!!

His spaces finding him in those very spaces in corners of his room was like reliving it all all over again and to realise how it’s all that clear still in your head with your this bad forgetful everyday habits the way things to do with him this beauuuutifully clear including his voice…like it’s been years since you heard him but the way that conversation with lucky and his very voice through those many other conversations with lucky that clear cause there was this peculiar sound tone of his voice used to change whilst talking to lucky !!!!!!!

Auyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one adoooooooooorablest human I say!!!!!!!!!!

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