Monday 3 July 2023

No matter what!!!!!!

 It all charlie all of it comes down to that very moemnt when something that strongly brings him along out of nowhere no matter what you do how hard you try to get a hold on yourself knowing the reality now!!!!!!

Thesres that one moment somewhere waiting to be touched waiting to be shaken to just jump out of nowhere and hit and away you off n away from everything else and HOW!!!!!!

Today there were multiple moments like these and only almost at the end of the day you realise it’s guru Purnima today the same day back then 2015 July 31 having seen him!!!!!!!

Time stamps I say the waaaaaaays they can make you feel is beyond words or logics!!!!!

To that moment when you take the longer route home and there he was again with his hands over your ears as you were trippin ion bonobo music with his headphone over your ears he holds it and says you know music it feels different when you listen to it over a good headset or music system like this one of mine it’s awesome like the same music if I play it here at gym it will feel differently!!!!!

His eyes charlie everytime he spoke bout something he was deeply passionate bout the waaaaay his eyes would just light up!!

There it was your heart right there you didn’t even know why that moemnt looking into him literally as he looked yaha waha talking bout his music fink his headset and you were that lost in him the waaaaaaaay it just felt away on the inside to live that moment of someone’s closeness till that extent giving you that much Khushi away and how!!

Come back home with heart this happy for no reason and wait for it to strike 12 just so you could drink up and just be cause it all felt a mix of toooooooo much emotions to digest away in one go!!

saving this day away for donno why!!

Dates and memories I say!!!!!

How only this fill this much away in you kuchhhh bhi!!!!!!

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