Sunday 23 July 2023

Mind right now!!!!!

 When you are feeeeeling all of him this way the way you are now vibing away worh some track and that visual of his the waaaaaaay it transforms you away!!!!!

Like it’s not just on the inside transition people around can feel it too!!!!

Be it the lostness all this while like she mom keeps mentioning there’s something definitily not right about you to today the way they could see that mini dance on the inside outside too!!!!!

To her friends place wishings some people talkings tone fake smiles done and that final need to fly out n away closer to him head out to the balcony play the music that’s been making you miss him all the more and the waaaaaays it brings him along through all those zillion drives his hand his arm his shoulder leaning over his way of sitting and looking his sexy best his smiles and stares in between the sound of his conversations his chuckles his smiles in between to finally pulling you closer making you lean over his shodyler and holding you closer……through that story of his too that one wait to just see his palm his arm his forehead atleast and you try looking around for some sign any sign of you in his moment cause that’s what exactly how you’d been missing him that bad lately cause you love this music now specially on your drives back home taking the longer route just so you could live that feeewwl for longer!!!!!

Music and feeeels charlie they can elevate all of ou to another level only even be it in your mind to people you maybe all still on the outside but on the inside it’s you alone that knows about the whirldwind of a tornado rushing dancing through!!!!!!  

It’s beautiful it’s different the whole experience the way it makes the lilst of things inside you dance away feeeeel things away that much more deeply it’s very very different specially in the night drives cause that’s when and how you were used to living him the most test!!!!!!!!

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