Monday 3 July 2023

Sound of magic number 2

 Times like those living and losing yourself in him talking away that passionately bout his love for music……talking bout how it makes him feeel things away more deeply even his workouts!!!!

Times like these today on your way back taking the longer route amidst the jam under the night sky with the track playing the waaaaaaaaay it just hit you diffferentky like suddenly mind that beautifully slow despite of it being a fast beat track but something bout that moemnt that you felt him away that deeply!!!!!!

It was beyond words or express out now the way you could feeel him away just living the beauty of the night sky!!!!!

Also times when you miss him the most with flashes of night drives with him rushing through the music playing the blink on n off jam lights ahead and his sound saying it psyyyychedelic!!!! It’s the waaaaay he would say it charlie every time he felt the lights or some track or some moment with you and suddenly smack his lips and say it and pout away!!!!!

Like that was looooove to you that too bout him the way everytime he uttered pssyychedelic!!!!!

Today your mind literally has that same tone inside scream with mind that solid trippin on him and your mind screams away looking at the jam lights psyyychedelic and that very moment miss his face right then n there reliving him saying it!!

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