Sunday 9 July 2023


 Off late with this new love for living him with music and open sky above there have been these sudden moments post work of long drives be it that some random route you take over outer or inner ring road it was..... like the manager was talking bout some fly ivernew thing and some wrong turn you end up over a highway almost and it was a place like you'd never seen before and yet felt like you'd been there before with him...

Sometimes it really irls you not knowing the places he used to take you to just so you could live him there now....

And these tall transformer movie like towers with trees around and it almost look d like those scenarios from your fever dreams Big big people around and you looking up at them with fear!!

But that day evening rather there was that strong core familiar vibe of definitely having been there with him cause there was something bout it that just felt that beauuuutofully familiar caue that's how strongly you felt him when there!!!!!!

It's these new plqces and yet to feel him live him there is beyind wordw charlie!!!!!

When you can now feel the gin kicking in cause you just can't writ straight !!!!!

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