Sunday 9 July 2023


 These moennts cahrlie like the other day at that cafe bar thing with your friend at gandipey and looking out at the deep blue skies your mind suddenly wanders away to all things him amidst conversation and something bout him makes you smile in that very moment and she notices it saying this is what you do suddenly do like there wer two others too but she noticed that bout you asks you who is it about cause it definitely has to be some guy cheeks suddenly flushed your eyes wandering like you were watching somebody out there standing cause it literally was some moemnrs with him from morning dream to connecting that some moemnt from back then and you literally see live feel him in that moment and that very moment not knowing where to run or hide some sound of somebody singing then and there Anjaani raho mein tu kya dhoondta phire his Lucky Ali song but in the most southern accent possible it was some test for a live show the next day the singer was just doing the trials and the second you hear that sound of his song there was no going back from there......

Like you didn't care they wer still talking bout you smiling over it and you just couldn't hold it all in and just be that way for a few mins!!!!!!

Soon they switch the topic over work and stuff and you still that lost in him......

On your way back the waaaaaaay that moment stayed with you still wond ring how's that even possible of all the songs of all the moennts it had to be that one...where the singer couldn't even sing a hindi song right and yet!!!!!

It had to b that one!!!!!

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