Thursday 6 July 2023

Memories in motion…!

 When you live a zillion words of his watching this one masterpiece of a film Babylon…

The beauty and art of movies wit and in his words!!!!

Something like nothing you’d experienced before and stil wondering why it didn’t receive the worthy of acclaim that it should have and deserved!!!!!

What a film what an experience on the whole with every scene and visual that full of life with anything and evrythung possible…like every frame on fire with Life n sound!!!!!!

When you feel and realise why he was that passionate bout it !!!!!!!

Cause of the length of it couldn’t finish in one go and today almost done and just before end credits was an ode to cinema kinda journey which had his fav matrix to the very next one being from avatar…

Magic just like that!!!!!

From being almost at gandipet to see a friend after long for her success to these visuals and experience with the echo of his words about love for films and film making and calling it an experience and not just a film!!

The thing bout his distant places he used to take you to not knowing which specific places they were like the lake place first chummi place and you think n still wonder if it was gandipet!!!!!

Mix of highs and lows, days off late like these!!

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