Thursday 27 July 2023


 Squeezed in the workout with shoot postponed due to the rains like you just had to rushhhhhh it in with no him this morning to wake up to anddddddddddddd agaaaaaaaaain something’s you write and this sudden realisation it hits you for what you just wrote also why the dreams and waking upto him deeeels that real that you lose that sense of absence sometimes just sometimes!!!!!!!

To that another rush to finish it quicker just so you can feeeeel the Himhigh moments after!!

Raising the arms to do that fold above head and just for a moemnt tiniest fraction of moemnt feel his hands over yours like wasnt just your mind but that strongly felt him away for fraction of a second over your arms and that feeeeeeeeeeeel like the insides of you with that deeeeep smile awayyyyyy I say!!!!!!!!

To that same posture downward thing and another moment could be your mind but the waaaaaays these moments are no less than magic I say even be it for a moment or two to just feeeeeeeel him like this his hand grazes over your back like in waves pattern and the waaaay it shakes you up cause you again felt it that strongly!!!!!!

Sometimes when a moment this string hits you you donno what to how to make sense of what you’d just felt!!!!!!!

Cause you def weren’t dreaming it wasn’t your mind cause the touch feel sense of him was that strong and yetttt!!!!!!!

Post moves just be that way lay for a bit with the track still playing some moments fill you up with something or someone that THAT much like it takes you a while to get a hold on yourself post that…

Things to do with him have always been this way…!

Day ahead and this mind already now!!!!!!!!!

Himhighhhhhh”d and how!!!!!!!!

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