Sunday 23 July 2023

That mind line……

 And everytime in places like today in the balcony with the him rush and music with rains and she comes along with a friend some conversation leaves with the guy still standing there and asking bout your brand and stuff nodding with replies to that moemnt when the guy asks bout what you are listening to that was your call to walk out as you were still listening one ear and make the usual excuse head out saying you’ll wait for a bit in the car and stay there for a while longer……

It’s sooooo natural the waaaaay that feeeel of being wanting to get away not wanting to stay there and go by wity where you feel the most you and the second you get back in the car the driver steps out and you just be there with the music playing loud eyes shut just so you could live him……

Visuals have that magical super power charlie the waaaay your eyes trace back to the moemnts you lived the similar vibe of a visual the way you couldn’t hold back your mind from wandering and playing that one visual on loop cause in your mind it was going back to all those moments of drives with him and the very visual of his vw brings along your bithray drive with him……

Like your mind lived that version of you after a very very long time with that literal awakening the loud screams through to those moments of just living him living n that rush in him …….

The you that you almost forgot about cause it’s been that longest having met that version of you now…

These things nai charlie be it love be it a connection like that one that happens that naturally it’s like reconnecting with someone your soul always knew belonged to only this time it was to refind him and then releasing how it’s always been just him and never happened again…

Things like these atleast for you was once in a lifetime thing… to be loved to love that way to feel all that away for someone beyond love , definitely once in a lifetime…

It’s like in moemnts like these the inside of you gets pulled away and closer to the things that still complete you in the strangest of ways possible!!!!!!

How you donno why still you donno guess these are the very things that are just beyond you…not upto you anymore!!

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