Sunday 23 July 2023


 The other word apart from music that holds most of him in your mind is drives and who bhi late nights!!!!!

Today out for a friends friend birthday cause she insisted you show your face atleast and leave so you had to!!!!!

This current state of mind going on for quite sometime now that you can’t brush off cause it’s a stugglleeeeeeee to hold back your mind and not feeeel things away to not flow away with it!!!!!!!

Like you are doing your best and there comes a moment as this one and the after of it just like always this beauuuuuuuuuuuutofully swayed off and away to all things him and HOW!!!!!!

This routine to take time out from people is what they call it your smoke moemnt though you don’t smoke but it’s like when you need to move away from people and closer to all things him rushing in your head…and this new vibe of music that you are absolutellllly in looooove with that makes you dance away in your head with him!!!!!!!

And you are loving every bit of that vibe rushing through your head…….

At her place manager leaves her fone over the table to get food post lunch thing or something it was and that tunnnnn to take her fone off cause the rains today epicccccxsexyness I say!!!!!!!!

It’s this beauuuutoful slow smooth vanilla drizzles and that state of mind it lands you closer at!!!!!

Take it and your beloedddddd red doing rounds and hit it fataaaak se and there he was late night drive home with rock music and he was back in Bombay…

And you wait for the entire thing some glimpse of his hand his smooooooth hair on the hand some glimpse of his forehead atleast on the rear view and that moment as the steep turn and the waaaaaay it brings him along with you beside taking that steep turn jus so you lean and fall over him that was your most another one of those most loved things about drives……..

To that glimpse of his car every single time and the ruhhhhhhhhhh mad mad rushhhhhh of memories that comes along letting you relive a version of yourself that was most you and only you with Him…

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