Thursday 20 July 2023


 Not sure what to title these mind rollings out as!!!!!!

It’s these moments his song playing looking up at the sky clouds moving that beautifully slow with the raindrops over in the jam and it stops moving…

In that moment it’s just you him on your mind the clouds moving swaying that slow to that one song that brings his face along slowly humming away that one line looking at you cause you are all yellow…

And the waaaaaay it brings him along that moemnt is no longer just the clouds moving and you trippin over it there’s him in that very moment…

To some other conversation with a friend as she talks bout multiple roles and stuff and you relive the different versions of him that you’d found in him cause he loved you in waaaaaaaaaaaays more than just one!!!!!

And that’s what the problem is now!!!!!!

To finding these words by the end of the day and the way it all syncs together that beautifully like the chords of a sound…

It’s a weird feeeling charlie and to wake up to that moment when he blankly looks at you in the dream and says i don’t remember you was the worst hit of all!!!!!!

It was weird as it is in your head and now writing it out it just got that much weirder all the more!!

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