Tuesday 25 July 2023

How what!!!!!!

 How what why you still donno!!!!!!

There are these tracks of his that you sparingly listen to again his logic if you listen to your most loved and cherished tracks over n over again you tend to lose the essence of it the experience it gives you!!!!!!

Iktara one of those from the list, cause it has all the first vibes of feeling love for him…

Feeling love for the first time in life feeling living loving him for the first time and not knowing or realising it too!!!!!

The first Sanghi time this very track post wake up Sid movie and the way you could sense that shift in you that one major shift!!!!!

Last night him agaaaaaaaaaain that same black shirt of his and now it’s become this one biggest wish of all to see live loooove him as mad as it sounds with the current track of state of mind running to see him in a black shirt for real!!!!!!

Him leaning over you and as you are lost in the waaaaaaaay he looks all things sexy beauuuuutiful and yet adooooooooorable enough to eat away he just leans over and starts to smell you around and over and reaches out his hand to something and plays this track iktara…

It was the complete vibe of that moemnt charloe like in your head he was letting you live the start of him in your life and yet in tat moment he was taking it forward things again you can’t write put here !!!!!!!!!

Like in your mind it was the start and in the moemnt he was that beauuuuuuuuuuutifullu taking it forward from there ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa even writing it now his eyes his zooooomed up face that upode to yours this heart this mind right now just reliving him from that moment!!!!!!!

You wake up even before the prayer first thing you were still humming away the song and smiling away cause your heart mind all of you just that happpppy!!!! 

Again after a long time of this weird mind!!!   

To that need to get on with the workout with it being too cold for vest initially then too hot for a T-shirt later, as it was the MI day be the Mi I say in world full of barbi n oppenheymer!!!!!

Catching up on movies day but this mind now with this weather to play his music loud wit a drink and chill I say!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaa some dreams him being a mooooooood a viiiiiiibeeeeee in himself you just wannnaaaa do nothing and live that stillness of a magic away!!!!!

Suchaaaaaaaa a mooooood = HIM!!!!!!!   

Post workout working on moves and then abs and you repeat a set and his sound of voice from the gym back then even when you were still friends you working on abs and he comes over saying don’t this skip it it’s waste one drink down and it al comes back and you stop to tell him you don’t drink and he actually sits beside and smiles away and again insists don’t still I like it as it is and smiles looking in the eye and gets back with his workout!!

Even as you write now this one feeeeeel that brings that smile along and HOW!!!!!!!

U skip it today too with that same feeeeel rushing through you as it did back then!!!!!

Some moments are just beyond you the waaaaaays they can make you feel away even decade after!!!!!!

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