Sunday 9 July 2023


 Even dropping her back she had her playlist playing and suddenly paused over saying your turn now and you were a bit typsy cause what you thought was a coconut "flavoured" drink trusting her as you were on a work call and shed ordered for you turned out had white rum plus gin together and you stay do your best to stay calm not say a word cause when high it only lands up with him hiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!!!!

The second it was your turn had to be Fink and some experience it sure was charlie like mind typsy with that one moment from morning playing on loop with his zooooomed in version of gorgeousness and the sound of Fink and you also weere ready for the comment on choice of music but you didn't care cause you never share your point no!!!!!

It's been only with him cause you connected and HOW!!!!!!

And the second it plays you zone out tripping on him and say out doesnt he sound like marshmallows and they laugh over it saying you sure are Trippin cause how does a voice sound like marshmallows but you alone knew what and how it felt in that moment!!!!

Or for that matter any moment it's standard Fink voice of a marshmallow that leaves and takes your mind off and away on a cloud island in your happiest state of self you can possibly be...

To you that state has always been with that one face playing on loop and HOW!!!!!!!

It was late night drizzling mind typsy and him hiiiiiigh and how!!!!!!

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