Sunday 30 July 2023

Gypsy soul…

 U struggled not to write tonight cause it’s toooo many feeeeels!!!!!

Chatting away all night him being the adoooooooorBle robo cop with his raybans on in the dark and the seeing him the next day in his gym wala psychedelic t!!!!!!!

31 July 2015 some dates no matter what or how long it has been the feeeel of it you can’t hide your mind from…

Lil did you know lilst did you know it’s going to be all these years of not seeing him again!!!!!!!!

Like THIS long!!!!!!!!!!

This feeeeeel that’s rushing all through you now this need to hear him and play the song and the sound of his voice as you were just getting off the car right before your apartment with one leg out and he stops you plays this song and you step back in again shut the door……and the shift in track with the string sound and you tell him bout and the way he says it this is you for me…you don’t get it initially and he repeats again this song for me is you!!!!!!

Like decade after listening to this one right now and the very same tone and sound of his voice echoes and rushes through you this clearly!!!!!!!!!

Some nights I swear it’s just ironically pure magic!!!!!!

Saturday 29 July 2023


 There is this side of you lately doing it’s best to understand and accept the current situation and then there are moments and dreams like these!!!!!

Be it random if places or places of his own to find him there still there to his dreams like the one moments back…

U are in some street resting over a bench after a run or walk it was and the way you feel someone beside you trying to wake you up the touch his smell and the second you wake up it’s him laying beside you like from the bench it was the corner of the bed not yours cause your pillow didn’t have the C rainbow over it as you look to the side he was talking something smiiiiiiling that one smile away like you coufknhear his voice but couldn’t understand what he was saying there was sooooooo much love in the way he looked saying that smiling that way and as you still try to make sense of what he was saying he nods away that adooooooorably and leans over with his just bout touch of his daaadi over your nose cheeks and the touch of his lip you wake up looking all around almost falling off the couch the lights were on movie still playing music still in the ear and you still oookijg for him trying to make sense cause it was meeting him in two two places in one single dream in a continuation in that moment you still hope you would find him and consider the present moemnt of waking up also as another dream and look for him hoping you’d find him…

Something’s you write now and this very feeeeeeeeel it fills you up with after writing out!!!!!!


The magic and beauty of visuals and the more you write the less it would be!!!!!!

Cause be it places drives night streetlight beauty the waaaay they bring him along all the more this season…

Be it that story of his it was comic with the stare and the way it did bring along a lucky moemnt from back then too…..

Lucky bhok Lucky bhok billi terku look deke jaari how will you protect us bhok reee!!!!!

His conversation with lucky just before heading back home him dropping you home step out and a cat passes by and lucky that adorably just watches it walk past by and he starts to have this adooooorable conversation with lucky saying also if he doesn’t bark how will he protect Him…..

It was purest form of joy and elevated level of love for him in moments like these!!!!!!

To just live him his mind his conversation his sound of voice in moments like these was only making you love him all the more… don’t just live somebody or love somebody for the way they love you but it’s more bout how they love and live in general it’s in the way of their life in the way they love things and others makes you love them all the more…

Him to you was way more than just that!!!!!!!

His spaces finding him in those very spaces in corners of his room was like reliving it all all over again and to realise how it’s all that clear still in your head with your this bad forgetful everyday habits the way things to do with him this beauuuutifully clear including his voice…like it’s been years since you heard him but the way that conversation with lucky and his very voice through those many other conversations with lucky that clear cause there was this peculiar sound tone of his voice used to change whilst talking to lucky !!!!!!!

Auyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one adoooooooooorablest human I say!!!!!!!!!!


 First visuals it is!!!!!

A day or two back this adorable story of his ringo n cat stare thing backdrop his house!!!!!

The waaaaay some visuals can take you fataaaaak se back in time revisiting the corners of his spaces…

Entrance there was this seating area with bar corner on one side to the other living room with a diwan thing behind it was the dining table on the right there was another seating place right under the stairs…..opposite to the dining table was the stairs where he would that adooooooooooorably ayyyaaaaaa adooooooooorably slide down over the side of the stairs straight close to the table and land over…

Oopar was another searing straight his room on left was his sister room……

His space onto the right was his closet space and the back door left was his bathroom and bedside area……straight up inside was his setup thing with long table space……

It’s like the second you see the story and shed left her doyen for good few hours cause she galti se left it in the car and you had your time to see and finally could see his singing video again that was you hoping and notice that it wasn’t visible anymore in the tagged section but another gorgeeeeeous find was his picture from the Chatterjee trip and the waaaaaaaaaay he looks that deliciously handsome!!!!!!!

Ayyyyaaaaaaaa every single time any image of him smiling and the waaaaaays it makes your insides smile away and HOW!!!!!!

There’s that different level of something that you feel on the inside that’s just that THAT happy to see him smile ever since the start charlie it wasn’t bout the love thing initially Donno why or how just seeeeinf him smile away used to make you that happy for no reason!!!!!

Even writing it now ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaa that one fellow I swear all and every bit of LOOOOOOOVE !!!!!!!!

Visions n visuals!!!!

 It’s in the little things charlie that makes you love someone big!!!!!!!

Be it the memories be it the visions like moments back or visuals one flash of it and this state of mind it lands you in is just beyond words and logics!!!!!!

This feeeeeel this rush of him that you are feeeling living right now is something else !!!!!!!

Like you try to hold your mind divert it with finding other tracks but this neeeed to just write it out again hoping it would get better but somewhere some corner in the mind you just know it always gets that much more beautifully worse after…

All it takes!!!!!

 Some moments and the waaaaays they can shake and wake you up and look everywhere around for him cause you can still smell him in the air!!!!!!

Ayyyyaaaaaaaaaaaa this mind and lostness now stil in that state of mind play one song and finq another gem of a sound and this mind all the more now ayyyaaaaaaa how do you digest away this rush of missing again now even after the waking up proper now!!

Youdays this THIS special the waaaaaaaays he comes saving this very state of himhighd away cause it also came along with the magic of another sound that had allllll the vibes!!!!!

Thursday 27 July 2023


Nhope didn’t work wasn’t your kind of movie and the very first other recommendation in line was his keanureeves matrix one John wick!!!!!

This too is not some random co incidence ?!

Some days I swear touch is all it tookk for your mind to be feeling everything away this deeply……

Like you could see a fly in the air right now and still trace its flight away where and how it movies that’s the kind of himhighd you’d been since that moment!!!!!!

This missing charlie has been this ironic with the state of mind juggle and then the him dreams and the him moments that sway you off and away still wondering how do you still feel all this way and to THIS extent!!!!!!

Or could be the monsoon cause you know this one season apart from all the others is when you miss him the mostest ever……


 Are these even random or it’s just your mind acting up with waaaaaaaaay too much missing and himhigh”d mind rush!!!!!!

Kill bill it is tonight and the very same visual his mind and ishtyyyyyle I say!!!!!!!

Something bout the waaaaaaaaaaay he moved something bout the waaaaaaaaaaaay ohhhh waaaaaaaaaaaaaay he used to smile everything bout him ayyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa scrumtiously delicisimoooooo I say!!!!!!!

Can blame it on the gin and sleeep himhigh”d mind!!!!!

Visuals again the waaaaaays they bring him along……


 Squeezed in the workout with shoot postponed due to the rains like you just had to rushhhhhh it in with no him this morning to wake up to anddddddddddddd agaaaaaaaaain something’s you write and this sudden realisation it hits you for what you just wrote also why the dreams and waking upto him deeeels that real that you lose that sense of absence sometimes just sometimes!!!!!!!

To that another rush to finish it quicker just so you can feeeeel the Himhigh moments after!!

Raising the arms to do that fold above head and just for a moemnt tiniest fraction of moemnt feel his hands over yours like wasnt just your mind but that strongly felt him away for fraction of a second over your arms and that feeeeeeeeeeeel like the insides of you with that deeeeep smile awayyyyyy I say!!!!!!!!

To that same posture downward thing and another moment could be your mind but the waaaaaays these moments are no less than magic I say even be it for a moment or two to just feeeeeeeel him like this his hand grazes over your back like in waves pattern and the waaaay it shakes you up cause you again felt it that strongly!!!!!!

Sometimes when a moment this string hits you you donno what to how to make sense of what you’d just felt!!!!!!!

Cause you def weren’t dreaming it wasn’t your mind cause the touch feel sense of him was that strong and yetttt!!!!!!!

Post moves just be that way lay for a bit with the track still playing some moments fill you up with something or someone that THAT much like it takes you a while to get a hold on yourself post that…

Things to do with him have always been this way…!

Day ahead and this mind already now!!!!!!!!!

Himhighhhhhh”d and how!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 26 July 2023


 And again one thing to another just like always!!!!!

Suddenly you realise after not fataaak se writing him away bout things that you’ve grown up literallllly loving him away nai…

When you don’t write him anymore after he specifically mentioned you not to not even a birthday wish or anything at all, and yetttttttttt you feeeeel all this away and THIS strongly like that news disturbed you THIS bad, worrying till the extent of it reaching your stomach almsot just hoping wish he is good!!!!!!

Something’s nai change overtime like your fataaaakness and the rest must have got used to you only nai!!!!!

Ab kahaaa kaisaaaa change hote!!!!!!


 Something’s and mostly when it comes to Him, things and habits never have changed somehow…

More than half asleep his music playing and prepping for tomos shoot mid work this weather news update on your phone and of all the states it’s bout the current alert in Bombay for rains!!!

Every single time anything like this and very first thought bout him being ok!!!!!!!!

And the waaaays it suddenly makes you feel all lost and restless!!!!!!!

Like you know you can’t do a thing bout pehle tho directly used to write him away asking if he was ok and now with time you’ve also realised that you can’t do that too anymore and this weird feeeeel now in the stomach that’s getting weirder by the minute !!!!!!

How do you even deal with moments like these!!!!!!

Tuesday 25 July 2023

How what!!!!!!

 How what why you still donno!!!!!!

There are these tracks of his that you sparingly listen to again his logic if you listen to your most loved and cherished tracks over n over again you tend to lose the essence of it the experience it gives you!!!!!!

Iktara one of those from the list, cause it has all the first vibes of feeling love for him…

Feeling love for the first time in life feeling living loving him for the first time and not knowing or realising it too!!!!!

The first Sanghi time this very track post wake up Sid movie and the way you could sense that shift in you that one major shift!!!!!

Last night him agaaaaaaaaaain that same black shirt of his and now it’s become this one biggest wish of all to see live loooove him as mad as it sounds with the current track of state of mind running to see him in a black shirt for real!!!!!!

Him leaning over you and as you are lost in the waaaaaaaay he looks all things sexy beauuuuutiful and yet adooooooooorable enough to eat away he just leans over and starts to smell you around and over and reaches out his hand to something and plays this track iktara…

It was the complete vibe of that moemnt charloe like in your head he was letting you live the start of him in your life and yet in tat moment he was taking it forward things again you can’t write put here !!!!!!!!!

Like in your mind it was the start and in the moemnt he was that beauuuuuuuuuuutifullu taking it forward from there ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa even writing it now his eyes his zooooomed up face that upode to yours this heart this mind right now just reliving him from that moment!!!!!!!

You wake up even before the prayer first thing you were still humming away the song and smiling away cause your heart mind all of you just that happpppy!!!! 

Again after a long time of this weird mind!!!   

To that need to get on with the workout with it being too cold for vest initially then too hot for a T-shirt later, as it was the MI day be the Mi I say in world full of barbi n oppenheymer!!!!!

Catching up on movies day but this mind now with this weather to play his music loud wit a drink and chill I say!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaa some dreams him being a mooooooood a viiiiiiibeeeeee in himself you just wannnaaaa do nothing and live that stillness of a magic away!!!!!

Suchaaaaaaaa a mooooood = HIM!!!!!!!   

Post workout working on moves and then abs and you repeat a set and his sound of voice from the gym back then even when you were still friends you working on abs and he comes over saying don’t this skip it it’s waste one drink down and it al comes back and you stop to tell him you don’t drink and he actually sits beside and smiles away and again insists don’t still I like it as it is and smiles looking in the eye and gets back with his workout!!

Even as you write now this one feeeeeel that brings that smile along and HOW!!!!!!!

U skip it today too with that same feeeeel rushing through you as it did back then!!!!!

Some moments are just beyond you the waaaaaays they can make you feel away even decade after!!!!!!

Monday 24 July 2023


 Andddd the word magic again!!


Sunday 23 July 2023

That mind line……

 And everytime in places like today in the balcony with the him rush and music with rains and she comes along with a friend some conversation leaves with the guy still standing there and asking bout your brand and stuff nodding with replies to that moemnt when the guy asks bout what you are listening to that was your call to walk out as you were still listening one ear and make the usual excuse head out saying you’ll wait for a bit in the car and stay there for a while longer……

It’s sooooo natural the waaaaay that feeeel of being wanting to get away not wanting to stay there and go by wity where you feel the most you and the second you get back in the car the driver steps out and you just be there with the music playing loud eyes shut just so you could live him……

Visuals have that magical super power charlie the waaaay your eyes trace back to the moemnts you lived the similar vibe of a visual the way you couldn’t hold back your mind from wandering and playing that one visual on loop cause in your mind it was going back to all those moments of drives with him and the very visual of his vw brings along your bithray drive with him……

Like your mind lived that version of you after a very very long time with that literal awakening the loud screams through to those moments of just living him living n that rush in him …….

The you that you almost forgot about cause it’s been that longest having met that version of you now…

These things nai charlie be it love be it a connection like that one that happens that naturally it’s like reconnecting with someone your soul always knew belonged to only this time it was to refind him and then releasing how it’s always been just him and never happened again…

Things like these atleast for you was once in a lifetime thing… to be loved to love that way to feel all that away for someone beyond love , definitely once in a lifetime…

It’s like in moemnts like these the inside of you gets pulled away and closer to the things that still complete you in the strangest of ways possible!!!!!!

How you donno why still you donno guess these are the very things that are just beyond you…not upto you anymore!!

Mind right now!!!!!

 When you are feeeeeling all of him this way the way you are now vibing away worh some track and that visual of his the waaaaaaay it transforms you away!!!!!

Like it’s not just on the inside transition people around can feel it too!!!!

Be it the lostness all this while like she mom keeps mentioning there’s something definitily not right about you to today the way they could see that mini dance on the inside outside too!!!!!

To her friends place wishings some people talkings tone fake smiles done and that final need to fly out n away closer to him head out to the balcony play the music that’s been making you miss him all the more and the waaaaaays it brings him along through all those zillion drives his hand his arm his shoulder leaning over his way of sitting and looking his sexy best his smiles and stares in between the sound of his conversations his chuckles his smiles in between to finally pulling you closer making you lean over his shodyler and holding you closer……through that story of his too that one wait to just see his palm his arm his forehead atleast and you try looking around for some sign any sign of you in his moment cause that’s what exactly how you’d been missing him that bad lately cause you love this music now specially on your drives back home taking the longer route just so you could live that feeewwl for longer!!!!!

Music and feeeels charlie they can elevate all of ou to another level only even be it in your mind to people you maybe all still on the outside but on the inside it’s you alone that knows about the whirldwind of a tornado rushing dancing through!!!!!!  

It’s beautiful it’s different the whole experience the way it makes the lilst of things inside you dance away feeeeel things away that much more deeply it’s very very different specially in the night drives cause that’s when and how you were used to living him the most test!!!!!!!!


 It’s been a pretty chilled day with finally sitting down to watching scarface and that one line every time you come across eyes never lie chico!!!!!!

The way it every single time brings his stare along the waaaaaaaay his eyes used to light up charlie there was something that magically beautiful the way he would look you in the eye smile that way for a second and you see his eyes transform that very second……like you can never write out the exact vibe of his stare cause that’s how different magical it always used to be…it wasn’t a first time thing like that was standard in his stare the first time he sees you take his time to look you in the eye hold that way for a moment and you can feeeel that shift in you in ihim like you exchanged something that beauuuuuuuutifully beyond words in that small fraction of a strong moemnt…

To finally apppying that mehendi on your own hand creating a mess out of it cause your mom was after you the season thing!!!!!!

To finally getting out with that intention of showing your face but the waaaaaaay that one moment of his rainy drive back home stays with you….cause your mind was constantly wandering off to those moments of reliving him drive and you were trying to picture him from that moment his hands the gorgeous hair on his palm his slouched way of sitting over the seat that sexily the sound of music the visual of the rain the whole vibe of that moemnt and the waaaaay it strangely only multiplied the missing rush through you by a father of godzillionth times I say!!!!!

Like even writing now and reliving that moment ayyyaaaaaaaaa the waaaays the yeaaaaars you’ve missed him with that one face in the world for you I swedar!!!!!!!!!!


 The other word apart from music that holds most of him in your mind is drives and who bhi late nights!!!!!

Today out for a friends friend birthday cause she insisted you show your face atleast and leave so you had to!!!!!

This current state of mind going on for quite sometime now that you can’t brush off cause it’s a stugglleeeeeeee to hold back your mind and not feeeel things away to not flow away with it!!!!!!!

Like you are doing your best and there comes a moment as this one and the after of it just like always this beauuuuuuuuuuuutofully swayed off and away to all things him and HOW!!!!!!

This routine to take time out from people is what they call it your smoke moemnt though you don’t smoke but it’s like when you need to move away from people and closer to all things him rushing in your head…and this new vibe of music that you are absolutellllly in looooove with that makes you dance away in your head with him!!!!!!!

And you are loving every bit of that vibe rushing through your head…….

At her place manager leaves her fone over the table to get food post lunch thing or something it was and that tunnnnn to take her fone off cause the rains today epicccccxsexyness I say!!!!!!!!

It’s this beauuuutoful slow smooth vanilla drizzles and that state of mind it lands you closer at!!!!!

Take it and your beloedddddd red doing rounds and hit it fataaaak se and there he was late night drive home with rock music and he was back in Bombay…

And you wait for the entire thing some glimpse of his hand his smooooooth hair on the hand some glimpse of his forehead atleast on the rear view and that moment as the steep turn and the waaaaaay it brings him along with you beside taking that steep turn jus so you lean and fall over him that was your most another one of those most loved things about drives……..

To that glimpse of his car every single time and the ruhhhhhhhhhh mad mad rushhhhhh of memories that comes along letting you relive a version of yourself that was most you and only you with Him…


When now the number of times you waiiiiit for that one chance any chance to take her fone away to get a glimpse of him for a bit feels like some shady chor becoming over and with time now!!!!!!!

But how else would you find and live these moments of him ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa him your poooooora ka poooooora heart kidney lungs liver and evrythung single thing you are made of !!!!!!!

Cause the waaaaaaays anything him makes you feel away is simply purely extensively beyooooooond evrythung I say!!!!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee only how only you are being missed away o say if only charlie screaming it enough out loud could reach him some way this one thing you can never get and grow used to say!!!!!!!!

When all that accidental beer and gin too couldn’t keep your hand and mind off from writing this rush out !!!!!!

Literallllyyyy widening out your eye lids and playing loud music just so you can get this missing out now nowwwww nowwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 22 July 2023

Annnddd some sounds!!!!!

 And some sounds and this zone they immediaaaately land you in no matter the hold the struggle inside and you just had to write a word out with this rush you are feeling now!!!!!

Out scouting for studio places been days now and almost every place comes along with traces of him and today once done with a few best places take a break at Starbucks and this feeeel everytime when in places like these how do they even take their eyes off and glue it over the fone instead…

For you to you it used to be always Him…….like anything else around didn’t even exist almsot be it him or you it was always Him!!!!!!

Conversations his chuckles his stares his glances around the pages comments over people around and even though you used to see him every single day you just could never take your eyes off him……

Like that’s all that mattered and today or whenever in places like these they barely look up at each other like look at everybody but that one face right before them specially in case of couples!!!!!!!

Like today this one sound playing on loop even there and you just look around people watching as she gets the coffee and the waaaaaays his one face one sound plays on loop all through you…

Something’s nai no matter what you do you just can’t change that no matter what !!!!!!!!!

Like even in the places finding yellow fern trees which you are absolutely in loooove with to ancient trees that shape curve there way through to form the C or places that circle around gulmohars or just corners with Christmas tree and the conversations along with it with one at his place back then too…

How do tou even change it all away delete it all away just like that or take it outta you!!!!!!!!

Doing your ultimate best and yet nai ho para charlie!!!!!!!

Just nai!!!!!!kitttaaaaa bhi karlo the waaaaays he is there in your lilst of moments be it the late night drives home with one sound on loop and he is just that beauuuuuutifully there!!!!!!

Thursday 20 July 2023

Moments and visuals!!!!!

 On a work call she gets off to collect some packets from the club house if the apartment and leaves the fone disconnect the call and still taking her phone to see him you keep telling yourself why are you doing this no no put it back put it back talking yourself out of it literally and yet all of you with this one thought he is here in Hyderabad what if you could see him even be it in some picture if he had posted and there it was when red for only this instance has become your ultimate favourite color!!!!!!

It was a story of his movie a throwback thing by friend of his……

And what looked like his handwriting but changed wasnt same as it was or could be of his friend too but the way some words just bring it all back woooooosh bolke !!!!!

Reading the name godot and the way it takes you back to reading it the very first time at his Dd space in his script while he was still writing it……and you couldn’t put it back even reading it back then the way it took you back to him showing you wanting you to read his script to his narration’s in your balcony about some scenes that he was working for somebody else then……

A journey of knowing living looooooving breathing someone away and HOW!!!!!!!

One long journey it’s truly been nai…!

Too many people and too many loves in one!!!!!!!!

No wonder this!!!!!!!!


 Not sure what to title these mind rollings out as!!!!!!

It’s these moments his song playing looking up at the sky clouds moving that beautifully slow with the raindrops over in the jam and it stops moving…

In that moment it’s just you him on your mind the clouds moving swaying that slow to that one song that brings his face along slowly humming away that one line looking at you cause you are all yellow…

And the waaaaaay it brings him along that moemnt is no longer just the clouds moving and you trippin over it there’s him in that very moment…

To some other conversation with a friend as she talks bout multiple roles and stuff and you relive the different versions of him that you’d found in him cause he loved you in waaaaaaaaaaaays more than just one!!!!!

And that’s what the problem is now!!!!!!

To finding these words by the end of the day and the way it all syncs together that beautifully like the chords of a sound…

It’s a weird feeeling charlie and to wake up to that moment when he blankly looks at you in the dream and says i don’t remember you was the worst hit of all!!!!!!

It was weird as it is in your head and now writing it out it just got that much weirder all the more!!

Mind wanderings…

 Mind wanderings on a beauuuuutiful rainy night as this one……

When sound the cars or the people around evrythung else sort of starts to disappear and all you can hear smell feeeel is the sound of the rains…

Some days when you are this lost in the head with too many feeels having felt through the day in moments and sounds and the waaaaays they bring him along you just donno where or how to start from!!!

This one thought ringing through you never I say never love and find too many people in one…

Cause when you lose them you just lose all those too many people that you’d found in just that one person…

Off late with these realities hitting you away sort of making sense with the actual reality now sometimes you wish if atleast the friend in him had stayed!!

Annnnnnnnnndddddddd it got even weirder writing your mind out cause in your head it still sounded sane now writing the very tmsame thought out and reliving that one face how do you not even love it I say!!!!!!!   

Wednesday 19 July 2023

Waking ups!!!!!

 When you have the most disturbed waking ups you’ve ever woken upto and go back to sleep to have a better dream that calms it all away thinking hoping wishing it will help but it doesn’t…

The one face the one man lived and loved and some dream with him beside and you living him away with that much heiiiights of happiness rushing through you to be able to live the same space and live him from that close and he says he doesn’t remember you !!!!!!

It was the weirdest dream ever till date like it’s been days and nights with months and years of dreams of him but never a single one like this…

When you go back to sleep trying to hope wish some sign something that makes you feel otherwise that changes that and makes it better, doesn’t happen!!!!!!

With the current state of mind and lostness like ye bhi hona tha kya?!

Monday 17 July 2023


 Some visuals can be all of your heart in one single frame!!!!!!

Amidst the jam she gets off to get the kebabs leaves her fone right beside you and instead of getting off you stay and try to wait over and not touch her fone and the very same second the driver gets on the fone and his lucky ali tere mere Sarah starts to play could be on some reel that the driver was watching !!!!!

That very second take her fone to see him and your most loved thing after him the red glow over him the second you hit it tue same balcony almost as his Dd space and also realise he is in Hyderabad as it was a ringo post…

The same similar space he had taken luckys pictures too back then in monsoons…

Some visuals you live and the way a zillion more memories flashes of him rush throug you and you thought all this while you were doing your best to hold back!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaa that one BEAUTY him be pure magic and HOW!!!!!!!

He is a living breathing form of beauuuuutiful magic n all things wonder I say!!!!!!!!

Almost like a walking talking biryani of a face I swear!!!!!!!!!!

Visuals I tell you charlie and of all the things n places visuals of Him or the way he sees n lives things also why apart from every bit of him you loooooved his mind too…

Kyaaaaaaaaa thoooo bhiiii kaisaaaaaaa thiooo bhiiiii hiwleeeeeeeeeee you gorgeous lil big thing kaisaaaaa aiiisaaaaaa waiisaaaaa kaisaaaaa kaisaaaaaaaaaa yaad aaare miyaaaaa again for the father of the godzillionth time if you only knew if only the air vibes could travel beyond the jams and tye miles……….

Friday 14 July 2023

Visuals n mood!!!!!

 Some visuals just like that fall that in sync with the waking up!!!!!!

Blah mood continues and then there are these waaaaaays he comes struuuuungs the heart away I say!!!!!!

Wake up again yet another morning looking for him till it really hits you it was a dream…like you actually got off the bed looking for him not just looking to your side tak…to finding yet another song mid workout listening to nas this song plays as an advert lyrics don’t understand as it was Tamil but the viiibe of some songs and the way it brings him along in every way possible right from the very start!!!!!!

Mind zones out for a bit and then get back at it with that vibe still lingering around to post workout moment……same position and this one track you finally find as you close your eyes him and the smoke magic…

His face comes out of the smoke eyes looking that beauuuutifully high and that same high shy smile of his from Versova to the other one being over Skype him working his smoke ring magic with that one look all over his face!!!!!

Like you just pause evrythung away and just live that visual away over n over like the mind was loooooving it away that much!!!!   

Every detail of him charlie, mera poora heart!!!!!!!!!

Lilst of anything him too!!!!!!

Finding doing working your best to find that peace of mind again…!

Taking longer than usual this time!!!!

Like you know when you try to take a post workout pic and you just couldn’t even for the record sake of it!!!!!

Nahh bolke shut it off!!!!   

Mind I tell you way of it’s own sometimes!!!!!

That’s how lost!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday 13 July 2023


 Some days no matter what you do this state of mind that you can’t just can’t jhatkoo off you I say!!!!!!!

Like you are doing your this ultimate best to but just nai horaa!!!!!!

And here’s hoping writing out might help hoping the magic from this next second onward…

Wednesday 12 July 2023


 Words right in the middle of 10 things you gotta deal at work and instead you just sit with his music on and the very first thing you find on Instagram…some words can sync this beautifully with the current state of mind!!


 When a missing like that one literally not just soaks you away but drowns you in it and HOW!!!!!!

All through those stretches of the road that THAT much him like he was there all through all those moments and drives with him living him away loving every detail every version of him away and the waaaaaays it all comes back to you yesterday…

Another one of those moments recalls that makes you re realise why it’s always been him why you couldn’t move on or away!!

Something’s nai charlie sort of get tied up inside you like a knot that you can’t untie or unfold or take it out of you like that one strong bond inside of you that’s connected and now a part of you Him to you is that and much more…

Like you come back home and that lost cause you badly wanted to write out also why you skipped the beer too but nai hua cause it was tooooo much missing suddenly with visuals of his places now!!!!!!

To this morning wake up more him again the waaaaaays he comes like magic exactly loving you away the parts of you that you missed him with allowing you to love him away again exactly the parts of his that you missed that much!!

To this need for more of him and you workout with still confused hazy state of mind and post workout stretches looking for the track that had him feels and this new find doing anulomvilom and suddenly like he had his arms over your shoulder looking at you had your eyes shut but like you could visualize him doing that zillion times back then at his place when he just wanted to touch you somehow anyway around his family and that was only way he could which he would again tell you later…like just come beside had his elbow over your shoulder and that one look in your eye followed by that one smile ayyyaaaaaaaaaa that one smile and everytime he would smile that one specific way that one rush in you to jump and chummi eat his face away and he would sense that just by you looking at him and then would chuckle away it was your one lil mush conversation with him without words as and when he would have his arm that way over your shoulder like he would exaaaactly know what and how his moves and smiles used to make you feel away!!!!!

Something’s you write and hold back from writing cause the waaaay it’s making you feel now again what do you do with this much missing even!!!!!!

How do you digest soak hide it all away and where!!!!!!!!

Heart, love, need to come with switches nai if one goes off for the other the other automatically needs to go off too!!

Mind this THIS high on him a missing again like never before!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 11 July 2023

Ironic hawayein!!!!!


How do you even not get swayed away on nights and state of mind like this one!!!!!!

A love like that one a face a hooooman like that one!!!!!!

How truly absolutely entirely lucky did somebody just like that got!!!!!!!

Shero ke raaz…!

 Some days this magical!!!!!!!

Place full of people eyes wandering looking with his music still playing and the second you take it off bout to scan the menu and baju wale booth mein somebody screams out asking for the singer to play shehro ke raaz…..

Not sure if it’s moments or just your state of mind right now that’s feeling it all away and HOW!!!!!

How do you even hide away a face a you that’s feeling this much away with a starhght face writing it out like you are on a business text thing !!!!!!

This is where for the moment atleast find this peace in writing this missing out cause it’s just waaaaaaay too much missing that you laced with and HOW!!!!!

Like it’s all him eith evrry blink of an eye him in these places and he was again right you wouldn’t remember the place as it was back then if you go there now when you’d asked him to take you to opera or any of this places at his Dd space!!!!!

This what and how you are feeling right now all of this how do you even stay calm or hide it all away I say!!!!!!!!

That one HIM in the world for you and the waaaay anythung him or this much him can transform you away!!!!!!! Like THIS!!!!!!!


THIS rush right now ayyaaaaaaaaaaaaa his place after decade!!!!!!!

To just find some place of his after this long and you thought all this while that it was just a dream place only today you realise it was actually a place that you'd been with himnforbreal back then when you are this full of HIM like right now and you had to sneak out like getting a smoke kind to just write this rush of missing out like if only you could scream out this feeling right now!!!!!!!!!!!!

As they head to the cafe and you walk slow writing it out cause what and aahow you are feeling right now is beyooooooond logics and words!!!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeeeeeeeee you gorgeous lil big adoooooorable thing if you only knew man I swear!!!!!!!!

If you only knew and had realised!!!!!!!!!

Too many!!!!

 Waaaaaay too many memories!!!!!!

THIS rush right now!!!!!!!!

Like u couldn't wait for a second soon as she steps down to get some chips you had to write out this rush Abhi k Abhi!!!!!!!

Places you go and that much him rushing through right now!!!!!!!!!

Monday 10 July 2023

Is it!?

 Is it normal to be sometimes most of the times embarrassed by your own mind to the waaays it believes in things that you wanted to write but can't really read your mind out loud...

Cause some moments the way they can make you feel even be it for a dream could really be just a dream after all that your mind keeps dreaming over filling up for an absence ?!

Specially when the reality is this different to what your mind keeps dreaming over n over again..........

When it feels THAT good waking up to, by the end of the day the reality sinking in over again!!

Like sometimes when a dream a moment with him this strong you wake up with like you go that strongly by the vibe of it by the end of the day you need to keep telling yourself if it was you he would've been here for real!!!!!! Specially knowing his way of loving someone that we'll!!!!!!

Like this bad wanting to write out and also being weirdly embarrassed with your own mind!!!!!!

Ajeeb nai......

Sunday 9 July 2023

moments to moennts!!!!!

 It's like you look for places now where you can live moennts of him to feel him live him away!!!!!

It's this missing now charlie knowing things like you look for how else can you live him away cause no matter how much ever you deny accepting the fact ther always that wait of a someday at the back of your mind all these years maybe this year maybe this day like it always was there even after his chat too strangely!!

But now it all feels Ajeeb somehow also why you skip the post workout moennts just so you can somehow hood your mind and then again good looking for him in places hopjgn to find him there!!!!!

As weird and crazy as this sounds this has exactly been happening lately!!

To this moment yesterday where you almost heard him or something it was and the way it felt you just had to delete him from whatdpqpp not because you wanted to cause some words of his from chat rush through along and you stay away!!!!!

Not sure why everytime you did this it always felt this string wrong donno why!!!!!

How do you not miss this much away and then some words again never love somebody too much it makes them love you less...

And you somehow never believed in that cause that's not how he loved charlie like him loving you belivng in loving you that strongly had you love him...and how!!!!!

Sometimes the ways the mind goes back to his conversations back then like he always knew right from the very start that you would be with him and love him right from the start!!!

Whet his friend back then used to tell him that there were 50 50 chances of you saying a yes to him but he always knew that for sure that you will be with him...!

Something's you write and this feeeeeeeep now!!!!!!!!


 Off late with this new love for living him with music and open sky above there have been these sudden moments post work of long drives be it that some random route you take over outer or inner ring road it was..... like the manager was talking bout some fly ivernew thing and some wrong turn you end up over a highway almost and it was a place like you'd never seen before and yet felt like you'd been there before with him...

Sometimes it really irls you not knowing the places he used to take you to just so you could live him there now....

And these tall transformer movie like towers with trees around and it almost look d like those scenarios from your fever dreams Big big people around and you looking up at them with fear!!

But that day evening rather there was that strong core familiar vibe of definitely having been there with him cause there was something bout it that just felt that beauuuutofully familiar caue that's how strongly you felt him when there!!!!!!

It's these new plqces and yet to feel him live him there is beyind wordw charlie!!!!!

When you can now feel the gin kicking in cause you just can't writ straight !!!!!


 Even dropping her back she had her playlist playing and suddenly paused over saying your turn now and you were a bit typsy cause what you thought was a coconut "flavoured" drink trusting her as you were on a work call and shed ordered for you turned out had white rum plus gin together and you stay do your best to stay calm not say a word cause when high it only lands up with him hiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!!!!

The second it was your turn had to be Fink and some experience it sure was charlie like mind typsy with that one moment from morning playing on loop with his zooooomed in version of gorgeousness and the sound of Fink and you also weere ready for the comment on choice of music but you didn't care cause you never share your point no!!!!!

It's been only with him cause you connected and HOW!!!!!!

And the second it plays you zone out tripping on him and say out doesnt he sound like marshmallows and they laugh over it saying you sure are Trippin cause how does a voice sound like marshmallows but you alone knew what and how it felt in that moment!!!!

Or for that matter any moment it's standard Fink voice of a marshmallow that leaves and takes your mind off and away on a cloud island in your happiest state of self you can possibly be...

To you that state has always been with that one face playing on loop and HOW!!!!!!!

It was late night drizzling mind typsy and him hiiiiiigh and how!!!!!!


 These moennts cahrlie like the other day at that cafe bar thing with your friend at gandipey and looking out at the deep blue skies your mind suddenly wanders away to all things him amidst conversation and something bout him makes you smile in that very moment and she notices it saying this is what you do suddenly do like there wer two others too but she noticed that bout you asks you who is it about cause it definitely has to be some guy cheeks suddenly flushed your eyes wandering like you were watching somebody out there standing cause it literally was some moemnrs with him from morning dream to connecting that some moemnt from back then and you literally see live feel him in that moment and that very moment not knowing where to run or hide some sound of somebody singing then and there Anjaani raho mein tu kya dhoondta phire his Lucky Ali song but in the most southern accent possible it was some test for a live show the next day the singer was just doing the trials and the second you hear that sound of his song there was no going back from there......

Like you didn't care they wer still talking bout you smiling over it and you just couldn't hold it all in and just be that way for a few mins!!!!!!

Soon they switch the topic over work and stuff and you still that lost in him......

On your way back the waaaaaaay that moment stayed with you still wond ring how's that even possible of all the songs of all the moennts it had to be that one...where the singer couldn't even sing a hindi song right and yet!!!!!

It had to b that one!!!!!

Sound of music...

 The thimhssssss it can do to your mind I say!!!!!!

Writing one momrmt and the waaays it brings that very along with the beat......

This love for late night drives home ever since like you loooove looking out and reliving him from those drives as late nights driving home usually mostly used to be from opera back home...the beauuuuuty of living him from those drives like you feel him more live him more still loving every detail of his from a distance watching him drive as he keeps looking at you with that one smilleeeeeeee and sometimes asking u turn maru wapis cause he could just see it in you.......opera everytime it cross s your mind that one space also why versova is that special cause you got to live all of him just him without having to worry somebody would come over or anything else....

Just you and him away from everything else living zillion different versions of him to the sound of his there always used to b some track definitely playing which he wood specifically select and after if he really loved some vibe of certain track with moments that one big smile I really loved this track today and that wandering roll of the eyes ayyyaaaaaaaaaaa that one rolling of the eyes Witt that one smile of his these expressions of his every Lil one of them fataaak se used to have your heart jump out of you and stick away I say and HOW!!!!!!!!

To him just knowing what's running on your mind with that one look at you made it all the more magical rush like you loooooved thos moennts wher he would just know charlie and you could see that too like he did get what you were feeling away for him in that very moment!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaa some moments the more you write and relive him from that very moment goosebumps!!!!!!!

Him music!!!!!

 This new found love stronger for Fink on nights like these speciqlu after having rediscovered his sound over Bose!!!!!!

Sometimes nai charlie the waaays it just multifolfs the missing away on nights back home now that you mostly take the longer route home cause the waaaaay it has all the feeeeels of him on silent drives back home the waaaaay it brings him along is just beyooooooond!!!!!!

Something about the night drives back home the ways it brings along the opera nights home no wonder thus love for the highways ever since!!!!!!

There's sometjing that super passionate magic like something bout highway drives it brings back that very state of mind of yours from back then like the mind still that hiiiiiigh on him after that love rush still looking at his details that you'd just touched felt lived chummied and how as he drives smiling beech beech mein like he could just sense wahtas running inside of you just by looking at you like you used to make sure to sit up and live that beauuuuuty of him driving back from opera cause mostly on your way there it's sleeping over his lap bit on your way back it always used to be bout sitting up being a lil away and just living that beauuuty of him and HOWWWWWW you loooooved it!!!!!!

Some sounds again playing this random chill trip playlist and this one sound comes along giving away the vibes from those drives and how like you can literally seeee him this very moment from that moment as you write out now!!!!!!

Sound of magic I say!!!!!!!

Drops of glitter...!

 Why and how do rains feels this extra special at nights!!!!!!

Like suddenly they make you feel that much away with just one glance like drops in sparkling glitter scattered all over around you...

And with every drop shines over and how and just like you feel that much away with that one face on loop playing as you live the beauty and magic of rains!!

Watching this cow boy themed action film with amazing background score and that one far off sound of the drizzle pulls you off and away closer to all things him and HOW!!!!!!

Saturday 8 July 2023

Waking ups!!

 Some dreams are just beyoooooooond!!!!!!!!

Like you go to sleep with a hazy disturbed state of mind and live him be loved by him this way and love him away that THAT MUCH!!!!!!!!!

Like when you’ve lived a moment a feeling for that long on a loop you wake up that bad confused looking for him…cause in that moment living him loving him it all felt that real witb him talking sound of his voice every second of the dream every second of living him in the dream the way it all felt that real that you wake up wondering what just happened where did he suddenly go!!!!!!

Skip the day at work and just be in that confused even more lost state of mind woke up pretty late though and it starts to drizzle and that need that rush to feel him again…

Get on with the workout with that wait on the inside like you’ve been lately skipping the post stretch moments just so you can somehow some way get a hold on yourself and your mind more importantly!!!!!!

Aaj nai hua like you just had to feel him again…….

And the waaaaaaaaays some sounds bring him along like first few attempts at finding some track go in vain and then this one comes along with that same feeeeeel of his hand over yours his whispers against your cheek feeling his face his forehead nose pouty lip away like your mind starts to wander those very moemnts from the morning agaaaaaain for the zilluonth time when he comes in that same sexy shirt of his how you donno why you donno like he keeps coming in that same black softest skin like cotton shirt his usual style buttons up and the second you see him in that that one smile of his ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaa meraaaa poooota ka poooora evrythung on the inside outside he is I swear!!!!!!

Like in that moment he that well knew how much you loooooved him in that same thing!!!!!!!!

Like as you move through the movements today to that sound your mind eyes shut wandering through those very spaces of him…

To this one moment when you live a visual of a wild grass ground him laying over with brush of wind around moving the grass the sound of the grass moving brushing against his face and you hold one fern of it away just so you could live him clearly and the way he pulls you closer to him and you lose your balance fall to the side of your face with a red blob now on the cheek!!!!!

U were practically literallllly day dreaming away in your waking state and felt him in a way you have never before!!!!!!!

Cause in your very waking state it felt that REAL like he actually pulled you closer felt his hand pulling your wrist away even writing it now absolute madness I say!!!!!!!

How do ou even make sense with moments like these and the reality line running on the side of this all!!!!!!!

Friday 7 July 2023

The Sound…

 Dropping the manager home taking the longer route home and stopping over at petrol bunk pausing the music away for just a bit to write out this very feeling abi k abhi!!!!!

Heart prolly strangest of all organs, period!!

How it can never really get tired of missing the same someone for years now and still can’t stop missing it…knowing it doesn’t belong anymore too!

How do you even make it understand!!!!!!

Sound of the fink on silent late nights like these sounds like it’s just singing away to you alone…it just hits you on another level only nai sometimes!!!!!!

Thursday 6 July 2023

Memories in motion…!

 When you live a zillion words of his watching this one masterpiece of a film Babylon…

The beauty and art of movies wit and in his words!!!!

Something like nothing you’d experienced before and stil wondering why it didn’t receive the worthy of acclaim that it should have and deserved!!!!!

What a film what an experience on the whole with every scene and visual that full of life with anything and evrythung possible…like every frame on fire with Life n sound!!!!!!

When you feel and realise why he was that passionate bout it !!!!!!!

Cause of the length of it couldn’t finish in one go and today almost done and just before end credits was an ode to cinema kinda journey which had his fav matrix to the very next one being from avatar…

Magic just like that!!!!!

From being almost at gandipet to see a friend after long for her success to these visuals and experience with the echo of his words about love for films and film making and calling it an experience and not just a film!!

The thing bout his distant places he used to take you to not knowing which specific places they were like the lake place first chummi place and you think n still wonder if it was gandipet!!!!!

Mix of highs and lows, days off late like these!!

Monday 3 July 2023

Memory se uthaake!!!!

 Ayyyaaaaaaaaaa that him opening the door in his same gym psyyychedelic tee rushes through you abiii k a hiii!!!!

Kabhi when a missing suddenly hits you like this nai iskuuuu memory se uthaaake khaaajaaane ka mannn Karta pooora ka paoooora I swear charlie!!!!!

To dance away to be held away to live him away to adooooore him away amidst all traces of him scattered around his Jim jam biscuits bottles his banana chips not his though and him mentioning there’s dairy milk in the fridge too cause with chikudkayi dabba from his home for lunch you were still hungry and you tell him you will check his house for some more food to eat inside and as you walk throug tell him that you found his jam jam have that next his chips have that and him stil in his room loudly adoooooorably chuckling away says there’s dairy Mike too cause he knew just like him it was your ultimate fav chocolate too…..and then adds to bring it along and come jaldi as you were on a food stroll around his house!!!!!

Some memories nai even reliving it now as you write which you didn’t intend to initially but like always one thing you write bout him and the waaaaays it all starts to flow along!!!!!!

Like it’s that beauuuuutifully still clear his sound of voice screaming away that adoooorably wanting ou to come back to  him sooner as you were looking for food and you rush back to the room again take ur fone off charging and head out again to take pics of his notebook guitar and him asking away you clicking pics of my things!!!!!!

Like he was THAT sure that’s exactly why you rushed for the phone…

Something’s baaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

A love like that one…!

And still!!!!!!!!!!!


 To that moment of call from mom as she asks you to pick some flowers n sweets for home Sai baba as it was guru Purnima today!!!!!

That very moment dhadaaaaam bolke hits you on another level and you ask the driver to take another round of u turn cause it just added another hit of memory tabhi k tabhi!!!!!

Everytime this day the only thing that tingssss you away and HOW is lil did you know tabhi nai!!!!!!!!

Like lilst bhi idea hotaaa hauuuy rehta thooo bhi kyaaaa thiooo bhi karlete nai!!!!!

Like if it wasn’t for having to be home early for the Pooja you would’ve directly gone off atleast till ou aaj ke aaj!!!!!

Cause that one realisation of the day from back then…

Bunking school away with his one call to see him in his psyyyychedelic same gym tee…..ayaaaaaa writing writing that SURE Was one of the biggest ultimate co incidences nai there you were already trippin on him saying psyyychedelic his way and it was the very same day recall!!!!!

Auaaaaaaa howleeeeeeeeeee you gorgeous lil big adoooooorably sexy thing how only you were missed abhiiii k aboiiiiii suddenly !!!!!!!

Sound of magic number 2

 Times like those living and losing yourself in him talking away that passionately bout his love for music……talking bout how it makes him feeel things away more deeply even his workouts!!!!

Times like these today on your way back taking the longer route amidst the jam under the night sky with the track playing the waaaaaaaaay it just hit you diffferentky like suddenly mind that beautifully slow despite of it being a fast beat track but something bout that moemnt that you felt him away that deeply!!!!!!

It was beyond words or express out now the way you could feeel him away just living the beauty of the night sky!!!!!

Also times when you miss him the most with flashes of night drives with him rushing through the music playing the blink on n off jam lights ahead and his sound saying it psyyyychedelic!!!! It’s the waaaaay he would say it charlie every time he felt the lights or some track or some moment with you and suddenly smack his lips and say it and pout away!!!!!

Like that was looooove to you that too bout him the way everytime he uttered pssyychedelic!!!!!

Today your mind literally has that same tone inside scream with mind that solid trippin on him and your mind screams away looking at the jam lights psyyychedelic and that very moment miss his face right then n there reliving him saying it!!

Sound of magic…!

 Music can never say or feeeeeel enough the waaaaaaaaayssssss it brings him along out of nowhere!!!!!

Today just that need to just be under the night sky with the music paying and you pick bonobo for the night…

And it was magical beyoooond words!!!! 

Like the more jam the happier you were cause that meant staying under for that much longer and whowwww it rhymed too!!!!!

Back to the story the sound playing like it sounds that much more magical and this you didn’t know Bose could do and do it thisssss wellllll!!!!!!

Eyes up mind up and away and this one track you play on loop and there he was his hands over your ears with his headset on and him talking bout the magic of music…and how important his headset was for him for same reason and also mentions how he never made anybody else use it or listen to music over it as it’s always just been him using it…

To just live that beauuuuuuuuuty of him charlie from that upclose him all sweaty post workout and yet there was that magic something bout those moments everytime he would put his headset over you and make you literally make you listen to some music of his….when you nod away saying you didn’t understand and he would always addd someday you will love it like the way I do…hauuu that’s how thinking of it now he could foresee it all back then itself nai!!!!!

No matter what!!!!!!

 It all charlie all of it comes down to that very moemnt when something that strongly brings him along out of nowhere no matter what you do how hard you try to get a hold on yourself knowing the reality now!!!!!!

Thesres that one moment somewhere waiting to be touched waiting to be shaken to just jump out of nowhere and hit and away you off n away from everything else and HOW!!!!!!

Today there were multiple moments like these and only almost at the end of the day you realise it’s guru Purnima today the same day back then 2015 July 31 having seen him!!!!!!!

Time stamps I say the waaaaaaays they can make you feel is beyond words or logics!!!!!

To that moment when you take the longer route home and there he was again with his hands over your ears as you were trippin ion bonobo music with his headphone over your ears he holds it and says you know music it feels different when you listen to it over a good headset or music system like this one of mine it’s awesome like the same music if I play it here at gym it will feel differently!!!!!

His eyes charlie everytime he spoke bout something he was deeply passionate bout the waaaaay his eyes would just light up!!

There it was your heart right there you didn’t even know why that moemnt looking into him literally as he looked yaha waha talking bout his music fink his headset and you were that lost in him the waaaaaaaay it just felt away on the inside to live that moment of someone’s closeness till that extent giving you that much Khushi away and how!!

Come back home with heart this happy for no reason and wait for it to strike 12 just so you could drink up and just be cause it all felt a mix of toooooooo much emotions to digest away in one go!!

saving this day away for donno why!!

Dates and memories I say!!!!!

How only this fill this much away in you kuchhhh bhi!!!!!!

Saturday 1 July 2023

Mood n films!!!!!

 Music and movies and how only they make it all a lil better !!!!!! And when you also realise that greater than was stronger than tanqueray when a Saturday night becomes a Sunday night instead!!!!!!

Doing your ultimate best to get a hold on your mind and taking a break off work has been good… it games catching up movies and finding new music but the way it all comes down to this one moment now when you live the beauty of a gorgeous drizzle on a quiet serene night as this one!!!!!!

The way it always how or why you donno brings him along and HOW…

Bob, Whow bob!!

 What a gem of a find to watch on a Sunday night!!!!!!!

Takes a notch higher, the love for films and stories I say!!