Sunday 5 February 2023

Magics in a row…!

 Not sure what or how to take all of this just random but even amidst all the crazy there is like always the Him calm that out of nowhere touches you away and HOW!!!!!

Magics in a row plural cause that’s how many they have been lately…

When you sort of quit writing cause it’s all getting pretty crazy where it leaves you questioning your own sanity…..even in the shower with the song playing it could be nice you hear his sound for like really really humming away the same very track in that very moment!! That liiiiiterally makes you turn around and look for him cause that’s how fucking beauuuuutofully real him humming sounded like….

To waking up to being in his car aareymilk Colony ur back then most fav place in Bombay and you are right there with him in his car as he takes you to his work to some studio…and soo. As you land there scream out of sheer joy telling him how much you’ve always loved the place as a kid back then…….

It’s these things getting feeeeeeling this real and you wake up spending all of your day questioning away the reality cause that def doesn’t feel real with his absence in it!!

To this movie today in my dreams moments feeeeels of it through n through exactly pretty much what and how you feeel away dreaming bout him waiiiitng to go to bed just so could see him and stay away from making sudden movements or touching him urself like you don’t touch him hold him directly instead wait for him to do so cause if n when you do he just disappears……how’s it that the very same exact things in this movie till that visual of the girl getting ready to fall asleep just so she looks pretty when she wakes up around him do the same……

When you buy more lounge wear stuff more just do look good whilst falling asleep could never say it out cause it def sounds madness watching this movie it suddenly feels less of a lunatic I swear charlie!!!!!!

It’s this sudden rush of too many things of him rushing through you!!!!!!

Like you hold back from writing this baaaadly cause you know what this means to you writing some moment place foood you missed him with to just write out is in a way saying out saving the moemnt making it feeel more real like cause it exists in words here….

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa some movies moments I tell you too many magics in a row and this missing…….

To this wait now in ur fav corner of the couch playing his music with thisssss wait!!!!!!!!!!

To just see him suddenly it def feeels less of a madness if only all stories did eventually turn out this way for real too!!!!!

Saving this feeeeeel state of mind away…!

Truly a Youday again I say!!

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