Monday 23 January 2023

Blink of a visual…!

 This missing lately witb time now and where it’s leading and stuff yesterday some friends friend event half way you come out and out for drive and back home that one feeeeeel of missing him!!!!!!!

In a different way!!!!!

It’s been soooooo soooooooooo long charlie like initially you didn’t think it would this way but now it’s a weird feeeel as the missing grows…

No dream this morning too and this wait through the workout event post workout as you switch tracks to find the one with the him vibe and this one SOME track it was!!!!!!!

SOME find it was!!!!!!

It’s this beat change and throug the move it’s this light blinking visual of his car from back then you waiting at the gate him waiting for you and you still wondering what he meant by I don’t want to but have to whisper of his as he just stays there looking at you throug the rear view and you everything in you wanting to just run to him and you couldn’t like that day you wanted to hold him hug him away chummi him away cause the waaaaay he was that day with you or just the way he looked that adoooooorably high his eyes his that one high smile him not wanting to look away like he knew already what he was going to do next and you just couldn’t make sense of it cause there was that much love rushing throug him for you that you could literally see and yet was all different….it’s these moments of him waiting for you to turn after dropping you it’s those moments from that day that evening at his place as you couldn’t reach out to him as his sister said she would drop you home and wanted you to stay back with her for a bit…

It was different very ajeeb and yet with it all it was beautiful cause you could still feel his love for you…it was only later he actually tells you by what he meant with that whisper of his like in that call post bup he that clearly did remember that moment with you and tells you it wasn’t you it was cause of your mom…

This one track charlie did bring back all those moments and this lost feeeel with it cause some moemnts relived of his and this one feeeeel no wonder you could never give up!!

Donno what donno how something bout him something in the way…!

Even today through the moves this track on loop and every bit of him every visual of al those moments of him waiting for you to turn to him after dropping you home like that wait was always there and that one smile of his after you turn SOME VISUALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This much HIM rushing through even as you write now memory trips like these I swear!!!!!!!!!

You were missed the most this morning you gorgeous lil big adooooooorable soul if you only knew bey!!!!!!!!

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