Wednesday 18 January 2023


 It’s been a himhigh state of mind like no other!!!!!!

Visuals charlie all there is to it and the things they can do to your mind I say is beyooooooond!!!!!!!

U loved the pup but ayyyaaaaaaaaaaa the waaaaaaay that adoooooooorableness of his took over it all I say!!!!!!!

He is a VIBE I say!!!!!!!!!

As the day ends it’s that different level of missing that hits you and makes you miss him all the more in a different way!!

To this morning waking up with no dream heart looking forward for the post workout moment and the manager drops over mid workout pace gets slow with work stuff to take care as you workout and amidst all your mind how do I get out of this to that moment…

Finally done ask her to give sometime and finally on your own play his music and the waaaaaaaaaaay it brings the Versova moments back and HOW!!!!!!

Everytime you miss that specific meet his closeness moments from the meet the way it always comes down to this one track as he did play this track too in that very moment androcell one…

And the waaaaaaaaaaaay he comes along with it charlie ayyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa like he is right there through the moves with that sound of his…….not wanting you to move away him holding your arm the way he keeps tracing away every feature of yours not wanting you or him to look away his heartbeat breath that stare that one smilleeeeeeeee to moments every bit of it the eaaaaay it rushes throug you!!!!!!

Strange realisation today not sure if it’s the music you are choosing or it’s yoga the stretches that feeels liberating in the most beautiful of ways strangely sensual too it’s like a whole vibe as you pace through it…… definitely is very liberating!!!!!!!!

But it’s this vibe of his that definitely transformed the complete process!! And HOW!!!!!!!!!!!

A morning state of you like this one mind I say beautifully ajeeb on a different note!!!

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