Sunday 1 January 2023

Sound of His music…!

 All this while right after his birthday he stopped posting on his story strangely even last night that one wait for her to leave the fone just so you could check on him something anything and doesn’t happen and that one feeeel hoping he is fine and all ok…..cause it’s been the longest he hasn’t posted story wise bhi….

To that one moment today just when you were living those moments with him on the terrace be it the Holden hour moments of him coming over or just those evenings dropback home where some more time with you and you had this terrace corner where he just wanted you to be with him…..for some more time before he heads home…

To just those rush of missing moments and running to that corner of the terrace and just be lost in each other it’s like suddenly too much of him in that moemnt with visuals of the terrace and the sudden realisation of there you were years after standing there reliving him in a familiar place all by yourself and some random white shoe happens making you feel sense of his orsence to landing almost an actual one wit the sound of his music…

Of all the songs it had to be that very one in that very moment walk out plugging the song on loop and she comes over saying you are again having your kiri Moment that’s what she calls it now and you finally decide to head back home…..

On your way back this strange feeel everytime it hits another year thing it’s that weird that you don’t wanna write out and kill this vibe that you are feeling right now…

Work hasn’t been easy lately as you switch to another complete different palette of designs like venture into a different pattern of design and with it comes a lot more planing organizing bits but amidst all this there are these moments of him be his name be his voice that suddenly comes close and whispers something away or just that sound of his music experiences you live through the dreams and the way it all brings you back to your actual reality that you live - Him…

Moments realisations experiences again that sort of diminish away the dilemma of the reality…….that keeps coming back knocking with something or the other!!

It’s like you live these just so those doubts are clarified like connecting the dots kinda vibe always….!

Things you just donnoooooo what why or how, it’s the way it brings Him along charloe like fills that distance gap of his absence away reconnects you with him and HOW!!!!!!

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