Tuesday 10 January 2023

Things you miss…!

 There’s been no dream since over 2-3 days and with it comes this wait for the morning Himlo moments!!!!!

Last night that sudden hit of that much missing when you just miss his presence for realTHAT bad!!!!!

Like the end of the day those moments of just you and your thoughts all by yourself with that one magical track playing on loop his face his lilst expressions his smiiiileeeeeee his nose twitch expression his sudden chuckle sudden nod sudden stare that one sound he makes when he likes some track playing that syncs along with his mood for the day every lilst detail of him and you missed still miss that bad seeing living it for real feeling him for real seeing him for real touching holding chumming him for real to just live him!!!!!!!!

When you recall and relive moments of living and feeling him away the way as long as it’s been ever since all of it feels like a dream now…….

Done with the workout and that wait for the moemnt and this need to play something else to experience him in a new way to live a new moment cause you know it’s stuck in your head with that one track glimpses of him from the drives !!!!!

This one this beautiful another of his musics it’s a new track new find but that beautifully smooth almost foam n froth like!!!!!

Bend downwards and there he was the way that moemnt felt like one with you like he was laying over your lap and looking upwards at you with you in that very moment right there!!!!!

It’s that look he used to give when laying over your lap that sudden twinkle in his eyes with that childlike smile almost…and you try to reach you with his nose ayyyaaaaaaaaaa howleeeeeeeeeee whyyy o whyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

It’s this missing lately charlie this helpless it’s feeling different the way you miss him now……..it’s that very face sudden change in al of him soon as he lays over your lap be it near your apartment just before dropping you not wanting you to leave he would park a lil farther away and lay over your lap holding onto your leg for a while longer or be it at Versova suddenly comes over to your side of the couch and lays over your lap with that same sound adoooooooorable sound of sigh of hummy and does the same thing over thing…is why it’s the closest to your heart cause that meet felt like him coming back to you!! Almost!!!!!!!!!

Finding him back again…….!

It’s like the way he used to do the very things like he used to back then lil moments soon as he is close does the same things it’s like he remembers the tiniest of things in the most beauuuutiful of ways…….

As you write now this mind I tell you right now!!!!!!!!!

A love like this one…!

His face his orsence all of him charlie ayyyyaaaaaaaaaaa meraaa pooooora ka poooooora heart I swear!!!!!!!!!!!

You weee missed again this morning howleeeeee and HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

I swear if only you knew!!!!!!

it’s this transition lilst of Him something leaves you with like even today it just felt almost magic like that oneness with him…..and this face transition soon after as you look at yourself it just does, always did something to you in inexplicable ways…!

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