Thursday 19 January 2023


 These feels charlie of moments out of nowhere that sometimes makes you wonder if it’s just your mind feeeeeling it all away or things like these happen for real like real mein actual mein moments of magic or just moments of wonder out of nowhere…

Or it’s just the missing hitting you too hard!!!!!

Today out for work in a jam close to the signal and this his artist you are discovering new tracks from and this one track starts to play the waaaaay it eases your mind out makes you a sit a lil lower in the seat just like he used to on drives slows your mind out and you ask Venky to take the longer route to work and this one man across the street like you were in the right side the guy on the extreme left lane walking in a black tee his style that collar up style high neck jeans same fit as he used to walking close to his style of walking and that strong rush in you the way the walk pace falls that beautifully in sync to the track and the him high rushing throug you…..

Ask Venky fataaak se to go a lil closer just so you get a glimpse but not too close so he knows and he asks you want me to stop the saar cause he knew has to be somebody important for you to get all that worked up like amidst the crazy jam asking him to take an extreme left between the cars and directing him to not go too close to Him……

Cause you knew !!!!!! So you just wanted to get a glimpse of him a lil closer and you realise wasn’t him……

That one sinking feeeeeel every single time charlie!!!!!

To just a lil ahead there was this weird feeel beautifully weird feeel to just self realise how bad HOW BAAAAAD you miss him after that attempt of rush to get a glimpse of him for real….and as the car slows down taking a u turn this one side the cleaning ladies of the road sitting over the fence and one just smiles at you as you pass by is when you realise you had a smile on just feeeeling him away living him away in that black tee from that moemnt at the salon or for real in his picture from the birthday him looooking absoooooooluteky sexyillllyyyyy beauuuuuuuuuutiful I say!!!!!!

Cause the way he looked surprised at the same time just happy to smile back… had the Him smile on!!!!

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