Thursday 19 January 2023

The THE AMIND!!!!!

 As you write this very first word down the waaaaaays a moment for a moment can leave you with is beyooooond!!!!!!

Like you can still feeel it as you write now!!!!!

A dream like this one today him in a black proper shirt of a brushed cotton like reallllly sooooft cause that’s all you could feeeeeel this morning there was no sound nothing no other movement but just the way as you take that one turn cause it was one restless night of sleep with barely any sleep mind still that lost and early hours prolly that one turn and the waaaaaaaaay he holds you away pooora like suddenly you don’t feel sense smell anything else but just him and HOWWWW!!!!!!!!!

This for one second you open your eye to live him and you see the shirt most of the buttons unbuttoned which he sometimes used to back then too and the way that one visual makes you hold him hide away in him all the more and the waaaay he just held you charloe it was different the waaaaaay it that strongly felt like again you weren’t the only one missing him!!!!!!

And you donno when or how you finally fall asleep waking up like always that THAT much scent of him still around because it again made you look for him around…

To the workout done and that one longing for the post workout moment it’s that curiosity now charlie how is he going to come today what is it going to make you feeel away!!

Play this track from yesterday and there he was as you stretch upwards that one sense of him again over the neck it felt that strong that it made you move and lose balance……like it used to back then fr real!!!!!!

Strangely what made that one moemnt feel more magic like was after losing balance you see him that one glimpse of him showing his teeth off after doing the same back then it’s weird as you write out now cause ut totally sounds madness but in that moment to feel that sense of his presence and that strongly beyond any logics!!!!!

As the track grows that one feeeeeel of his arms around you as you move through the postures like you could just feeeewl him around you this one line from the track that sounds something like drapes my heart it that beauuuuuuuutifully felt like draped all around by him through those moves like it one point made you hold yourself cause it was that strange mix of feeeeeeling him his arms around and missing it too…

It’s a mix of too happy and too lost at once…!

There is nothing I say that could even come close to making you feeeeeeeeeeel all this away the way anything to do with him does……..

It’s a mind smiling and missing him away kinda vibe today cause you met him and miss him too at once…

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