Monday 9 January 2023

Him trip!!!!!!

 Yet another morning and this THIS much HIM it’s suddenly filled you up with is beyoooooonf words!!!!!!!

Just happpy!!!!!!!!!!!

His hands pulllllling meeee so a new place!!!!!!!!!!!   

No dream but this one sound it’s like Him in a track everything to every lilst thing bout him summed in one track this beauuuuutiful!!!!!

It’s not the lyrics not just the lyrics but there’s something bout this one track charlie that hit you this way this waaaaaaay liege you are in this him flight mode off the ground kinda feeet mind mode it’s set you in!!!

Workout done play this powders sublo moment it was and HOW!!!!!!!

As the track plays head downwards every lil glimpse of him driving and you lost in him lost in every lil detail about his face and the way he slowly suddenly turns to you and that one smile on him that one smiiiiiileeeeee just noticing you lost in him that one smileeeee and a zillion moments of the same like everything around behind him blurs away it’s just him that one moment of him smiling at you lost in him and your heart every single time in that very moment I love Him!!!!!!!

It’s like everything in you every lil cell to biggest of organs feeels it away like in your core you just know this is it bas it’s Him!!!!!!!!!

Decade later today in that very moment reliving those very moments of him that same feeeeeel all over again I still love Him!!!!!!   

Something’s you just donnoooo why what or how still how bit this very feeeeeling charlie this very feeeeel your heart feeeels with lilst of something him and bas that’s it that’s all that matters!!

From a rushed workout to the way you just lay there with this track playing in the ears smiling away just like that it’s like him in a song the feeeeeel the mooood of the track has become your ultimate fav most one cause it’s just Him all of him in one song!!!!!!!

And yet again how only you are being missed you gorgeous lil big annoying howleeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! Said it before can say a zillion times over if only you had the slightest of idea!!!!!!

Like it’s mostly been post workout selfie but today in between the downward stretch in that very moment mood vibe you just had to save it away!!!!


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