Friday 13 January 2023

A day like this one…!

 Those moments there in your corner his music playing that one stare of mind to just relive those moments visually the very same way was something else…

It’s that part of you hidden away inside and suddenly it comes out visually the Him from those very moemnts be it his stare his constant stare looking you in the eye watching your every expression being with your every move holding you comforting you knowing……it was whole vibe of that scene your breath him smiling that smile watching your hand shiver smiling more this is me doing this to you smiles more cause how he loved that one transition of you from nothing to being all him away in an instance……

To think of it now what just his touch could do just a stare just a look even across the room like that moment you’ve never been that embarrassed cause the manager too senses that change in you as she watched you dig literally your nail away at the table it was that sudden rush of him charlie in that way it just felt that beauuuuuutifully weird like no control over something as strong rush as that one!!!!!!

Scent of him touch of him stare of him all of it suddenly rushing in that moment who bhi when you aren’t all by yourself and of all places at work amidst discussion and her looking at you……

Mins later she just comes sits beside and asks you the obvious question you knew was coming lemme guess you haven’t had and awkward silence and you get off and head back to the office…….

Even writing it out now something’s I tell you the way writing it out made it all the more weirder!!!!!!!!

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