Tuesday 17 January 2023


 That one face said it before can say over a hodzilkion times morer!!!!!!

That one face his smileeeeeeee charlieeeeeeee and a million moments lived for real with that smileeee ayyyaaaaaa tooo many feeeels alll at once ever since…..first foremost chipman in Hyderabad then to see him look that THAT afooooooooooorable ayyyaaaaaaaaaaa suchaaaaa cutieeeeeeee he is!!!!!!!!

To the video of his hand petting the lil ringo away ayyaaaaaa some visuals nai pooora love I say!!!!!

Hands prolly are the most expressive apart from the facial expressions you can say a lot bout someone by a touch by the way they hold your hand mive their hands anythung at all and you can definitely understand a lot by just a touch…

The way he moves his hand over lil fellows face ayyyaaaaaa it’s like your mind automatically reconnects to the other moments lived looooved of him with lucky…it’s this transition of his the way he could be the sexiest one in a moment to the next second you see him turn transform into the most innocent adooooootable childlike in an instance……

Lately ever since the visual beauuuty of him these moments when out for some meeting t some cafe any place there is some sound connecting there is always some track or the other connecting with him again things when writing out makes you sound absolute lunatic but just bout the feeeels charloe ekdum seeee that rush of him!!!!!!!

To this morning a dream like that one that THAT one rush of him again it let you with…..and strangely that sleeepy even after the waking up cause the mind was still that high on him from the dream it’s the waaaaaay he comes like this charlie that leaves you with a confused almost dizzy state of mind trying to make sense of the reality after being LOVED that much!!!!

To this moment of stretch post workout and the way these yoga moves stretches are transforming your mind through them…like you are looking forward to these and yet know the feeeeeels it leaves you with post…

Today it was this track by his music artist a new find and a magical one……play it just bout to skip it as the start wasn’t that great and the way the track evolves it’s this state of mind…eyes shut in your moves the track playing and this strand of your hair over your arm just swinging over the arm  and opera it was…….

There was this one habit of his sometimes when at opera this big gate entrance and security check for the ticket he would look at you with that one smileee a slow drive still looking at you from there and just a few seconds away from that left turn of your spot at opera he would just stop there….just look at you wanting to see that rush in you to just land there in your spot there but nai he would just stay there looking at you and then chuckle away saying look at you pleading me without saying a word…….hold your hand and this thing he used to do over your arm and then move back and watch you again as you rush into him hold him away and the way he would then take that turn…

Opera was it all zilluon versions of him lived there lilst of moments from there and the waaaay they come back to you in ways more than one…

It was different charlie cause that was the time of just you and him away just on your own no wonder the Versova meet was the same…it was that vibe of opera amidst the wild nobody nothing around under the moonlight to just live that beauty of him live those versions of him……some days the most adooooorablr kid ever even at opera and mostly this beauuuuuutiful wild forest like beauty of him!!!!!!

Mind post that memory rush even as you write now auyyyaaaaaaaaaaa these moments!!!!!!!

Work ahead not sure how you are getting your head back into it!!!!!!!!!

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